I tried it again, here is what I got:

$ diatheke -b FreCJE -k Gen.1.2
Genesis 1:2:

$ diatheke -b FreCJE -k Gen.1.3
Genesis 1:3:

So nothing :-/


Le 24/07/2020 à 10:38, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
Hi yvand,

Well, that's not an authoritative test.  You need to ask ONLY for verse Gen.1.2.

SWORD has logic to "skip" contiguous linked verses, so diatheke might be taking advantage of that to prevent it from printing out the same commentary 19 times in a row.  The output you see is the desired output when a user requests the entire chapter.  One instance of each commentary entry.

To test linking, you need to ask for a verse within the range, but not the first verse.

Hope this explains a bit,


On 7/24/20 10:27 AM, yvand wrote:

Thanks Troy for your help. I use annotateRef and not osisID, as mentioned in https://wiki.crosswire.org/OSIS_Commentaries . I tried diatheke, here is what I got :

diatheke -b FreCJE -k Gen.1 | head
Genesis 1:1: <div annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19" annotateType="commentary" sID="gen1" type="section"/> <div sID="gen2" type="x-p"/><hi type="bold">La création de l'univers</hi><div eID="gen2" type="x-p"/> <div sID="gen3" type="x-p"/>Avant que rien n'existe de tout………….<div eID="gen4" type="x-p"/> <div annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19" annotateType="commentary" eID="gen1" type="section"/>
Genesis 1:2:
Genesis 1:3:
Genesis 1:4:
Genesis 1:5:
Genesis 1:6:
Genesis 1:7:
Genesis 1:8:
Genesis 1:9:
Genesis 1:10:
I don't know if this is normal: Gen.1.2 is empty, does it mean no link entry?

Best regards,


Le 23/07/2020 à 23:51, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
Hey yvand,

My apologies for not getting back with you.  osis2mod isn't my domain these days, so I am not sure what the current behavior is for annotateRef.  I am pretty sure linking works, and the normal way for linking is the provide osisID="Gen.1.1 Gen.1.2 Gen1.3"

You an test linking by using any of the lookup tools, like diatheke, or I use sword/examples/cmdline/lookup.

e.g., ./lookup FreCJE Gen.1.2

I'd have to dig into the source for osis2mod and how it handles annotateRef ranges, but I would think it should work the same as osisID verse lists.


On 7/23/20 6:44 PM, yvand wrote:
Thanks Greg for your quick reply with explanation!

I thought there was a bug and "link entries" were not taken into consideration, when using osis2mod. Is there a simple way to test if a commentary module contains link entries? I tried with mod2imp to export FreCJE but it only shows verses with attached commentary ($$$Genesis 1:2 is missing for instance). Maybe I misunderstood "link entries" functionality...

I believe it worked as expected in the past (at least with Xiphos), but maybe I am wrong.

Unfortunately I am not familiar with C/C++ and with the sword engine, so I am not able to offer you a patch.

I understand the issues you pointed and it doesn't seem easy. Currently, there are still questions, for instance: how will operate the engine if there are multiple commentaries starting with Gen.1.1 in the source, like :

<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1">...</div>
<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.16">...</div>
<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.31">...</div>
I guess I will now give up for this feature.


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