
Thanks Troy for your help. I use annotateRef and not osisID, as mentioned in https://wiki.crosswire.org/OSIS_Commentaries . I tried diatheke, here is what I got :

diatheke -b FreCJE -k Gen.1 | head
Genesis 1:1: <div annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19" annotateType="commentary" sID="gen1" type="section"/> <div sID="gen2" type="x-p"/><hi type="bold">La création de l'univers</hi><div eID="gen2" type="x-p"/> <div sID="gen3" type="x-p"/>Avant que rien n'existe de tout………….<div eID="gen4" type="x-p"/> <div annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19" annotateType="commentary" eID="gen1" type="section"/>
Genesis 1:2:
Genesis 1:3:
Genesis 1:4:
Genesis 1:5:
Genesis 1:6:
Genesis 1:7:
Genesis 1:8:
Genesis 1:9:
Genesis 1:10:
I don't know if this is normal: Gen.1.2 is empty, does it mean no link entry?

Best regards,


Le 23/07/2020 à 23:51, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
Hey yvand,

My apologies for not getting back with you.  osis2mod isn't my domain these days, so I am not sure what the current behavior is for annotateRef.  I am pretty sure linking works, and the normal way for linking is the provide osisID="Gen.1.1 Gen.1.2 Gen1.3"

You an test linking by using any of the lookup tools, like diatheke, or I use sword/examples/cmdline/lookup.

e.g., ./lookup FreCJE Gen.1.2

I'd have to dig into the source for osis2mod and how it handles annotateRef ranges, but I would think it should work the same as osisID verse lists.


On 7/23/20 6:44 PM, yvand wrote:
Thanks Greg for your quick reply with explanation!

I thought there was a bug and "link entries" were not taken into consideration, when using osis2mod. Is there a simple way to test if a commentary module contains link entries? I tried with mod2imp to export FreCJE but it only shows verses with attached commentary ($$$Genesis 1:2 is missing for instance). Maybe I misunderstood "link entries" functionality...

I believe it worked as expected in the past (at least with Xiphos), but maybe I am wrong.

Unfortunately I am not familiar with C/C++ and with the sword engine, so I am not able to offer you a patch.

I understand the issues you pointed and it doesn't seem easy. Currently, there are still questions, for instance: how will operate the engine if there are multiple commentaries starting with Gen.1.1 in the source, like :

<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1">...</div>
<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.16">...</div>
<div ... annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.31">...</div>
I guess I will now give up for this feature.


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