9pm CEST is 7pm GMT.

I will be at my church for the 6pm evening service that finishes towards 7pm.

I may therefore join late after I get home or perhaps on time if I can connect 
to a WiFi network in Cheadle.

9pm CEST is 1pm in Nashville, TN - near where my daughter now lives.

For future reference, this website can help when announcing an international 
online video conferencing meeting.



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On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 19:40, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

> Hi all,
> So ... here comes the link for tomorrow, Sunday 18th, 9 PM CEST.
> Let's give it a try with Jitsi!
> https://meet.jit.si/SWORDVirtualCoffee/Tea
> I am suggesting to structure our conversation by using the "Lean Coffee" 
> method:
> 1) After some initial chit-chat, we will collect topics in the beginning of 
> our call.
> 2) We will prioritize them using a quick vote.
> 3) Discuss each topic one by one with a timebox assigned (10 minutes). At the 
> end of the timebox we decide whether to continue with the same topic or jump 
> to the next.
> I'll share an easy to use web-based board with you in the beginning of the 
> call!
> I suggest you to already think about some of the things you may want to talk 
> about :)
> Looking forward to meeting you!
> Have a good journey, Troy and stay safe!
> All the best,
> Tobias
> On 4/17/21 8:02 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> Hey guys. As much as I would like to meet with you all this Sunday, I will 
>> be driving from Albuquerque to Phoenix and probably won't have a reasonable 
>> connection on the road.
>> As if we need another solutions, to throw another hat in the ring, we use 
>> Google Meet often for our team meetings. It is free for "100 participants, 
>> and for up to 60 minutes per meeting," can be used simply in the browser 
>> without installing any app, anyone can join if you give out a simple link to 
>> the meeting. It works pretty well.
>> https://meet.google.com
>> I've had trouble with Teams and "external" accounts, recently. I received a 
>> meeting link, and when I clicked it, it asked me to sign on to my 
>> "Microsoft" account... one option was to use my Skype ID, which I did have, 
>> so I used that, and then Microsoft asked for an email. After I provided my 
>> email, I received notice that my Skype ID had been changed to my email 
>> address!!! On top of all that, when I proceeded to sign in for the Teams 
>> meeting, it wouldn't let me join because it said my "company is not a member 
>> of Teams" and asked me to sign my "company" up for Teams. We gave up and I 
>> sent a Google Meet link.
>> Please know I want to be there on Sunday and I'll try to show up if I happen 
>> to be someplace with network access at the time of our meeting.
>> Tobias, this is your good initiative, just pick a technology and post the 
>> details to join. We can learn from the experience and adapt if necessary for 
>> the next time.
>> Blessings,
>> Troy
>> On 4/17/21 1:12 AM, Tuomas Airaksinen wrote:
>>> On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 10:58 AM Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:
>>>> I have never used Jitsi, but I am open to it. It seems like it also works 
>>>> from the browser.
>>>> From my end I just want to meet you all, I'm pragmatic when it comes to 
>>>> the tool as long as it works for everyone.
>>> Same here. I am using the tools that serve best for the purpose.
>>> Just choose something that works, jitsi is ok if it serves the purpose.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tuomas
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