Dear Developers,
Troy kindly invited me to the list -- it is an honor for me to accept his
I recently signed up for the JIRA tracker and created a ticket on my
request for a minor change on the source code to enable building Sword via
Emscripten out-of-the-box:
Now I managed to reach a somewhat mature stage of the code -- you can find
my blog entry on this at
Sword works nicely on an offline web page now, and its speed is comparable
with the native version. Maybe some of you would like to try this and have
more interest in developing for the offline web platform.
Thank you so much for devoting your time to developing Sword -- for me it
was a blessing and joy to have it as a nice library to build on.
Kind regards,


*Dr. Zoltán** Kovács, MSc*

Institut Ausbildung

*Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz*
*Private University of Education, Diocese Linz**Salesianumweg 3, 4020 Linz*
*Mail: <>*

*Web: <>*
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