> I will send you a detailed description on how one could easily build it
> from scratch (in a different email).

After some unsuccessful attempts to simplify the process, this is how it
seems to be the easiest way for the moment (see also
for a working GitHub action inside an application based on Sword), in a
shell under Linux (I used Ubuntu 21.10, but this should be irrelevant):

git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
cd emsdk
./emsdk install 2.0.22
./emsdk activate 2.0.22
cd ..
. emsdk/emsdk_env.sh
git clone https://github.com/kovzol/crosswire-sword-mirror
cd crosswire-sword-mirror
mkdir build
cd build
sudo apt install subversion # This is required, otherwise the cmake step
will fail.
emcmake cmake ..
emmake make sword_static

An application based on the WASM build of libsword.a can be compiled and
linked as shown in https://github.com/kovzol/bibref/blob/master/Makefile.
The steps are explained in the beginning of this Makefile, including the
compilation steps of libsword.a as well.

I hope this helps. ;-)

Best, Zoltan
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