Il giorno sab 13 ago 2022 alle ore 22:37 Christian M. De Britto
<> ha scritto:
> I'm interested in making some contacts here in Brazil , with Biblical 
> Societies, in order to revert this situation. But before that I would like to 
> know if anybody has tried this before or have some contact in progress.

I did try several years ago with the Imprensa bíblica brasileira of
the Junta de educação religiosa e publicações of the Convenção batista
brasileira, about their Versão revisada de acordo com os melhores
textos.  They told me they would get back to me, it never happened and
I never tried again.  Also with Sociedade bíblica brasileira about
their Tradução brasileira, got them to agree it was in the public
domain but never got a digital text.

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