Am I missing something? Here is the issue.

Upon trying to install the EarlyFathers module, it consistently fails.
This is reproducible on Linux (even when using Xiphos 4.2.1). However,
when trying to install the same module on Windows through Xiphos 4.2.1
it installs perfectly fine. Since I have trouble compiling libsword on
Windows (and therefore Python bindings) and I have trouble compiling
Python bindings on Linux, I am unable to test if the example code
below won't result in -9 within different contexts. Nevertheless, this
suggests to me that there is something internally wrong with the
libsword library, but I don't know what the difference is. Can anyone
shed some light on this? Other modules install fine with the same code
(though there might exist more modules that won't).

Example code (Ubuntu; python3-sword 1.9.0):
import Sword;

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mgr = Sword.SWMgr('/path/to/local/repo');

    install = Sword.InstallMgr(mgr.prefixPath);

    sources = install.sources.items();
    source = None;

    for y,x in sources:
        if str(x.caption) == 'Xiphos':
            source = x;

    if source is not None:
        result = install.installModule(mgr, None, 'EarlyFathers', source);
        print(result); # -9
        raise Exception;
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