
Two short questions:

1. How can I make Bible to be displayed on e-reader
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-reader> (Kindle, Kobo...)
Bible source is in OSIS XML format.
(In free-scriptures <https://gitlab.com/free-scriptures> there is a way to
make epub format.)

2. I also tried to convert the module SloKJV
<https://github.com/msavli/SloKJV> to USFM, but I have some problems with
Psalms and my low knowledge of python. This should not be one time only
conversion. Needed to be automated. Problem is defined on stackoverflow.com

Thanks for answering my questions

Best regards,

       ------------   Marjan   ----------
        e-mail: marjan.sa...@gmail.com
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