Hi there.

I created an epub from an Osis file this way:
The idea is to parse the original xml file to convert it to simple
html and create a matching table of content.
Then to add the resulting file in an epub with  sigil.

A script that does something similar (greek new testament) using the
sword library:

I had a similar issue when dealing with the LXX module (a title node
was not at the right place).

Using beautiful soup, moving node in a xml file is easy:

This is how i dealt with the title node that needed to be moved:

On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 20:14, Marjan Šavli <marjan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Two short questions:
> 1. How can I make Bible to be displayed on e-reader (Kindle, Kobo...)
> Bible source is in OSIS XML format.
> (In free-scriptures there is a way to make epub format.)
> 2. I also tried to convert the module SloKJV to USFM, but I have some 
> problems with Psalms and my low knowledge of python. This should not be one 
> time only conversion. Needed to be automated. Problem is defined on 
> stackoverflow.com.
> Thanks for answering my questions
> Best regards,
>        ------------   Marjan   ----------
>         e-mail: marjan.sa...@gmail.com
>        --------------------------------------
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