On 2/10/23 04:46, Fr Cyrille wrote:
I'm very excited to have this module!

Thanks! I'm glad to be able to help.

You can also look at the LXX module, which has quite a lot of information in its code.

Is this the module at <https://git.crosswire.org/cyrille/lxx>?

The number is useful for displaying strong numbers in order (if I remember correctly) in Bishop (Android).

Which number is that? The "src" attribute or the "n" attribute?

Also, where's the best place to obtain Bishop for Android? The wiki links to <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.crosswire.bishop> which gives me a "not found" error.

Finally, if you think it's possible, I'd make an usfm file first, because it's much easier to read and correct than an osis.

I've written a program to merge the annotations from the "translation table" spreadsheet into the BSB text; because the work is being done by a program and not manually, it's a lot easier for me to work with the text in OSIS format. It's still possible to edit the USFM sources before they're converted to OSIS, but I'd rather keep them as close as possible to how the Berean translators supplied them, just in case they ever decide to publish an updated version.

Have you also seen Karl's script for building the module, in the BSB-draft module folder?

You sent me a copy of some scripts for making the BIBdraft module, but I couldn't find any scripts for making the BSBdraft module.

Finally, if there's a way of thinking about the construction method in such a way that it would eventually be possible to make an identical module in other languages (like French, for example).

It's possible because the translators published their mapping between source-language words and target-language words. If somebody made a French translation of the Bible and published that same information, I'm sure it would be easier to make a new module based on that information, rather than trying to convert this module to another language.

Thanks for your encouragement!


Le 30/09/2023 à 11:54, Timothy Allen a écrit :

The Berean Standard Bible is available in two machine-readable formats: USFM, and "translation tables", a 40MB Excel spreadsheet with a row for every Hebrew or Greek word in their chosen source texts with the English text it's translated to. I would like to make one module with the nice formatting of the USFM sources and the metadata from the spreadsheet, so I've spent the last few weeks writing a script that runs through them both in parallel and makes s

I agree with you that the module should have as much information as possible. But not all of it can be read by the Sword interface. Some may not be useful.

You can also look at the LXX module, which has quite a lot of information in its code.

The number is useful for displaying strong numbers in order (if I remember correctly) in Bishop (Android).

Finally, if you think it's possible, I'd make a usfm file first, because it's much easier to read and correct than an osis.

Have you also seen Karl's script for building the module, in the BSB-draft module folder?

ure everything lines up, so I'm now confident that I have an accurate mapping between them.

My question now is, how can I translate the data from the spreadsheet into OSIS?

Here's the information the spreadsheet gives me:

"Hebrew Ordinal", increments for each spreadsheet row in the Old Testament, set to 999999 for each row in the New Testament
"Greek Ordinal", set to 0 for each row in the Old Testament, increments for each row in the New Testament, except for Mark 1:1 which has a word with the number 18379.5 (presumably something needed to be inserted and they didn't want to renumber everything else)
"English Ordinal", increments for each spreadsheet row (except for that word in Mark 1:1)
        "Hebrew", "Greek", or sometimes "Aramaic"
Increments for each verse in the Bible, so every word in Genesis 1:1 has "1", etc.
The word in the original source text. Sometimes includes fancy brackets to mark sources other than WLC or Nestle 1904: {TR} ⧼RP⧽ (WH) 〈NE〉 [NA] ‹SBL› [[ECM]]
        A transliteration of the source word into the Latin alphabet
        Prep-b | N-fs
A code describing the grammatical form of the word; these don't appear to be Robinson codes, but their own custom thing for Hebrew (https://biblehub.com/hebrewparse.htm) and Greek (https://biblehub.com/abbrev.htm)
        Preposition-b | Noun - feminine singular
        The grammar code, unabbreviated
        The Strongs number of the basic form of this word
        In the beginning
        The English text that appears in the BSB
        1) first, beginning, best, chief
1a) beginning
1b) first
1c) chief
1d) choice part
A definition from the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon, or Thayer's Greek Definitions, as appropriate

Looking at the OSIS 2.1.1 User's Manual (and sniffing around in the KJVA module), to represent this information in OSIS I should use the <w> element, which supports the following attributes (copy/pasted from the Manual):

  * *gloss* Record comments on a particular word or its usage.
  * *lemma* Use to record the base form of a word.
  * *morph* Use to record grammatical information for a word.
  * *POS* Use to record the function of a word according to a
    particular view of the language's syntax.
  * *src* Use to record origin of the word.
  * *xlit* Use to record a transliteration of a word.

The first problem is that sometimes multiple source words are translated into a single English span, and it's not made clear how to express that in these attributes. From poking around in the KJVA module, I get the impression these are supposed to be space-delimited lists. Is that correct?

Assuming that's the case, here's my guesses at how to fill out these attributes for each span:

  * *gloss* can't be done, because each gloss contains spaces which
    means the displaying app can't figure out which part of the gloss
    goes with which word
  * *lemma* is where Strongs numbers go; Greek Strongs numbers should
    be prefixed with "G" and Hebrew/Aramaic ones with "H0"
  * *morph* might be used for the "grammar code" content, but I would
    probably need to figure out how to translate them into Robinson
    codes first, since that seems to be the only morphological
    dictionary module in the Crosswire repositories
  * *POS* is unclear to me, I don't see how it differs from the
    "morph" attribute
  * *src* is also unclear: is this for the word order (he_ordinal or
    el_ordinal, possibly numbered from the beginning of the verse
    rather than the beginning of the entire Bible) or the actual
    choice of source text (Nestle1904, TR, NA, SBL, etc.)?
  * *xlit* clearly comes from the "transliteration" field

One thing that's clearly missing is where to put the source word. How does that work?

Is there other way to represent information that doesn't fit into the <w> element? I'd like this module to be as useful as possible, so I'm hesitant to toss out any information that can be usefully represented.

Is there anything else I've missed or misunderstood?


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