
On 05.10.23 20:59, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
Thanks! If all of the comaintainers for Xiphos and BibleTime are also no longer available or interested, I think it would be helpful if you could go into https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/xiphos and https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/bibletime and click the "Orphan" button on those. I'll take them once that's done and should be able to help keep them maintained.

BibleTime would be interested in hosting their own package repositories for different distributions and their versions, which would be updated by the CI (see [1]) and perhaps be of low maintenance burden. We don't have the resources to commit to managing BibleTime packages under the umbrella of different distros.

Best regards,

[1]: https://github.com/bibletime/bibletime/issues/258
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