
CzeCSP is generated from the original XML document provided to
me by the publisher. I have managed to translate all their XML
constructs into appropriate OSIS equivalents, but with this
exception, which still bothers me.

There are elements `<bzavorka/>` and `<ezavorka/>`, which mark a
group of words, which are annotated by what’s the equivalent of
OSIS `<note/>` element.

This is the original XML:

    <kap n="1"/>
    <vers n="1"/>I~stalo se po smrti Jozua,<odkazo n="o1"/> že se
    synové Izraele doptávali<odkazo n="o2"/> Hospodina: Kdo z~nás
    <index n="88"/>vytáhne proti <index n="1"/>Kenaancům<odkazo
    n="o3"/> <bkzavorka/>jako první,<ekzavorka/><odkaz n="t1"/>
    aby s~<index n="1"/>nimi vedl válku?

which I translate to this OSIS:

    <verse sID="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1"/>I stalo se po
    smrti Jozua,<note type="crossReference" osisRef="Judg.1.1"
    osisID="Judg.1.1!o1" n="o1">Joz 24,29n; srv. 1,1</note>
    že se synové Izraele doptávali<note type="crossReference"
    osisRef="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1!o2" n="o2">18,5;
    20,18; Nu 27,21</note> Hospodina: Kdo z nás <note
    type="x-index" placement="inline" osisRef="Judg.1.1"
    osisID="Judg.1.1!i88" n="88">Pozn. 88 v tabulce na
    str. 1499</note>vytáhne proti <note type="x-index"
    placement="inline" osisRef="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1!i1"
    n="1">sg., jednotné číslo (singulár)</note>Kenaancům<note
    type="crossReference" osisRef="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1!o3"
    n="o3">v. 27; Nu 13,29</note> ⌈jako první,⌉<note type="study"
    osisRef="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1!t1" n="t1">h.: na počátku;
    20,18</note> aby s <note type="x-index" placement="inline"
    osisRef="Judg.1.1" osisID="Judg.1.1!i1" n="1">sg., jednotné číslo
    (singulár)</note>nimi vedl válku? <verse eID="Judg.1.1"/>

(`<bzavorka/>` and `<ezavorka/>` are just replaced by characters
`⌈` and `⌉` respectively).

I dimly remember that I have already asked here on the list about
this problem, but the response was that no Sword UI probably
would be probably able to render this, so I just should give
up anyway, and just ignore these elements (or put ugly Unicode
characters there).

I am not happy with this non-solution. I would like to generate
some agreement here and then try to persuade Sword UI developers
how to render this. If we start at least with Xiphos and AndBible
(am I right that these cover a huge majority of all Sword
users?), we can get something useful.

What do you think?



http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
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