I like this snippet, because it rings true for me:

> But while Mark Goodier, the ex-Radio 1 DJ who is currently 
> at Smooth Radio in London, is sure radio will become more 
> "timeshifted", he does not think this is necessarily progress.

> "I'm hoping that in 10 years' time, people will have 
> rediscovered the joys of making an appointment to listen. 
> The successful stations will be the ones that achieve that." 

I personnally find, both with radio and television, that I want
to listen/watch a program "live" (i.e., as it is broadcast),
especially for the first time I watch/listen to something.  I
may tape it (or find the .ra or .mp3) for subsequent
listening/replay, but I still first of all like to see it/hear
it as a broadcast.  I like the idea of planning for a particular
time on a particular day to listen to or watch a program, such
as wanting to have my local Iowa NPR station on at 3 p.m. at
work each weekday to catch their one hour of BBC Worldservice
they air or at 6:30 in the evening while doing dishes to catch
Marketplace.  Or listening at 5 p.m. on Saturdays to catch a
Prairie Home Companion, getting a boost and tingle when I hear
the opening Minnesota Public Radio musical chimes and the PHC
song that starts the program, knowing it live (most times) to an
audience there at the same time in St. Paul. Or watching the
local PBS television station on Sunday evenings to get
Masterpiece Theatre or Mystery, or getting together with my wife
every Friday evening at 7 p.m. as a date to watch the new Dr.
Who episodes as they are provided on the SciFi channel. Or
turning on Radio Taiwan International every evening when I go to
bed, hearing voices that are familiar.  There is a realness in
life when one can enjoy the watching/listening at a particular
time, and a very real sadness when you have missed a program.

I would get frustrated very quickly if my only choice would be
to respond to just RSS feeds for podcasts or following favorites
on the web to find programs.

Having said all this, I do make use of my VCR timer to tape a
show I'm going to miss or to find a podcast if I need to, but I
do this very judiciously and reluctantly, and as infrequently as
I can.

Kevin Anderson

--- Richard Cuff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is geared to a domestic UK audience, but there are some
> interesting ideas for those of us on the Western shore of the
> Atlantic
> as well.
> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mike Barraclough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sep 28, 2007 5:35 AM
> Subject: [uk-radio-listeners] How will radio change in future?
> How will radio change in future?
> By Kevin Young
> Entertainment reporter, BBC News
> New technologies and changing habits mean the way people
> listen to the
> radio has been revolutionised in recent years.
> A week of articles on the 40th birthdays of Radios 1 to 4
> concludes by
> asking leading industry figures how they believe radio is
> shaping up
> for the next four decades.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7014952.stm

Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA, K9IUA
k9iua (at) yahoo (dot) com

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
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