Lukas Kahwe Smith schrieb:
> Georg Gell wrote:
> Well in order to really leverage the benefits from agile development, 
> one must really build a trust relationship with the client. Otherwise 
> you do not benefit from throwing out things not deemed useful during 
> prototyping etc. All in all the entire fixed price model does not really 
> apply anymore.

Do you really have many clients that pay you per hour just trusting you?

> Basically you define a budget, you define an initial scope and you keep 
> your client in the loop. Its the PM's just to ensure that the must 
> have's will always fit in the budget, even as you add new features and 
> throw out others. I suggest keeping a wiki that is updated immediately 
> as the specs evolve.

Just wondering how many projects exist that have more budget than just
for the bare must-haves? I should definitely get a dot com bubble
company as a client ;-)

> One key thing to state in the contract and make very clear from the 
> start is that client participation is key to the quality of the results. 
> This means that the client has to budget much higher costs on his side, 
> since he has to make sure that all the relevant people have sufficient 
> amount of time to provide feedback.

Good point, what are the arguments to make my client want to have more
budget on his side? They are all making overtime already.

> As a result the overall turnover for you is much reduced with agile 
> development. The project is usually shorter, client involvement means 
> less work for you. On the up side you obviously deliver faster, making 
> the chances better that your client will rake in nice profits that he 
> will probably like to reinvest partially into your services. Oh and if 
> you are not willing to provide the services, others will. So you dont 
> really have a choice these days.

*I* can see it's advantages and *I* am willing to provide this service,
but nobody wants it (I must admit they are engineering and production
companies, used to have the basic requirements before they start working)


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