Greg Freeman napisaƂ(a):
> Hello,
> This is the scenario. I have a form with various select boxes. Using
> ajax forms you can dynamically add new elements to the select boxes.
> However enclosing a pair of form tags inside another form is causing
> problems. For example select boxes have a link that says add new which
> pops down a small form to type in the name of the new element and a
> submit button.
> How can I structure this to have "sub forms" inside a main form?

Well. You can't have form inside a form ( HTML forbids this).
You have 2 ways in my opinion:
1. pop new form over the previous one or outside the existing form, or
use popup, or maybe modalBoxPlugin
2. dont add new form, just make a javascript fake submit using ajax,
just show new fields and than on button click submit those fileds
using ajax, tkan update the selectBox using JSON or sth.

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