We need some method for folks working on Propel13 to collaborate.  I
ported sfPropelFileStoragePlugin, and have sfGuard too (I don't think
any changes were needed for it).

On Oct 20, 1:26 am, Kiril Angov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had to port one other plugin to Propel 1.3 and I was thinking at that
> time that just fixing it for me will not suffice so I was wondering at
> that time how to make the changes not break support for Propel 1.2 and I
> came to the following conclusion.
>     if (method_exists(new TagPeer(), 'doSelectStmt'))
>     {
>       $stmt = TagPeer::doSelectStmt($c);
>       while($id = $stmt->fetchColumn(1)) {
>         $removed_tag_ids[] = $id;
>       }
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       $rs = TagPeer::doSelectRS($c);
>       while ($rs->next())
>       {
>         $removed_tag_ids[] = $rs->getInt(1);
>       }
>     }
> The same can be done with ->prepareStatement() vs ->prepare() and
> ->executeQuery() vs ->execute()
> Everything else is pretty much the same and will work without modifications.
> Carsten, do you think you can make the changes you did to the nested set
> behavior so that we can update the plugin and everybody who is willing
> to use it (like me, for example) can do that even with Propel 1.3 installed?
> I think this is a good time to discuss how to solve the few differences
> there are between Propel 1.3 and 1.2 and make a solution now so that
> everybody who has coded against Propel can make the needed changes.
> Comments?
> KupoCarsten Schumann wrote:
> > Hi Frank,
> > you are not right at all with the nested sets.
> > Yes, Propel 1.3 supports nested sets.
> > No, they are not compatible with the symfony plugin. The symfony
> > plugin offers the possibility to store more than one tree in one table
> > using several tree scopes. Propel 1.3 does not support such a scope,
> > yet. I have talked to Eric who is developing the nested set feature
> > and he told me that he is quite busy and will continue his work on the
> > nested sets not before the end of november.
> > But it is not that difficult to port the nested set plugin to propel
> > 1.3. It took me about one evening to adopt most of the functions to
> > get it working for our project.
> > Carsten
> > On 10/16/07, *Frank Stelzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >     >> but many problems with other plugins as well (e.g. the nested set
> >     one)
> >     Propel 1.3 has nested set support natively, so the nested set plugin
> >     is absolete. I use Propel 1.3 in a non-symfony application and it
> >     works very well.
> >     The disadvantage of Propel 1.3 is currently the lack of debug
> >     functionality (one could only log  the prepared statements and not
> >     the complete queries), which one is used of creole, but the devs work
> >     on a DebugPropel feature!
> >     Am 16.10.2007 um 07:41 schrieb Fabian Lange:
> >     > Hi,
> >     > thats my blog.
> >     > We are also currently looking into Propel 1.3Plugin. looks
> >     > promising, but many problems with other plugins as well ( e.g. the
> >     > nested set one)
> >     > If my proposed patch for propel class generation does speed your
> >     > code up depends on you usage.
> >     > Check your generated classes for the include_once and require_once
> >     > lines.
> >     > Once you have located them check how often you call those Peer and
> >     > Model classes.
> >     > For each call the include adds a slight but noticeable overhead.
> >     > My post is not to solve all propel 1.2 performance issues. But help
> >     > you squeeze out the last milliseconds :)
> >     > So: no big improvement, just a babystep at a time.
> >     > .: Fabian
> >     > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> >     > Von: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> >     <mailto:symfony-users@googlegroups.com>
> >     > Gesendet: 16.10.07 03:53:43
> >     > An: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> >     <mailto:symfony-users@googlegroups.com>
> >     > Betreff: [symfony-users] Propel performance patch
> >     > Hi all,
> >     > I've just gone through my posts after the weekend and noticed:
> >     >http://www.hma-info.de/blog/2007/10/13/better-performance-patch-for-
> >     > symfony-10x-and-propel-12/
> >     > So I'm just wondering who's installed it and if there is any
> >     > feedback on how much performance gain it brings?
> >     > A big improvement?
> >     > - Piers
> >     ______________________________________________________________________
> >     > ____
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