You should probably use the   $form->offsetUnset('widgetName'); and
make sure it exists using $form->offsetExists('widgetName');
might do some cleaning up a bit more.

On Jul 14, 11:49 am, "Olivier Revollat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello !!
> I have some generated code to manage my users (from sfGuard schema).
> I have done :
> propel:generate-crud frontend users sfGuardUser --with-show
> but I don't want to edit the 'created_at' column since it's automatically
> fill ... so I just unset it inside the configure() method of the base form
> as explain in the doc :
> class sfGuardUserForm extends BasesfGuardUserForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>       unset($this->widgetSchema['created_at']);
>       unset($this->validatorSchema['created_at']);
>   }
> }
> But when I want to edit or crate a user (call to sfGuardUserForm) their is
> an exception :
> [InvalidArgumentException]
> *Widget "created_at" does not exist.*
> stack trace
>     * at ()
>       in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\form\sfForm.class.php line 718 ...
>              715.     {
>              716.       if (!$widget = $this->widgetSchema[$name])
>              717.       {
>              718.         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Widget
> "%s" does not exist.', $name));
>              719.       }
>              720.
>              721.       $values = $this->isBound ? $this->taintedValues :
> $this->defaults;
>     * at sfForm->offsetGet('created_at')
>       in SF_ROOT_DIR\apps\frontend\modules\users\templates\editSuccess.php
> line 50
> I don't understand because I have already tested this when I read the
> "symfony form book".
> It doesn't work neither if I try other colum like "is_active" .. i got the
> same exception ... !!!
> Can you help please ?
> Thanks.
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