
Can you post the HTML output of your form ? and your form definition ?


On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Martin Groh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm very sorry to annoy you all with this again. But I'm completely
> stuck with forms in sf1.1 (meanwhile I upgraded to 1.1.3).
> Even if I strictly follow chapter one of the "Symfony Forms Book", I
> get the my parameters mixed up. But only, if I leave parameter values
> empty.
> A short example: I have the following fields in my form: Name, Email
> and Message. If now only fill the Message (Name and Email are empty)
> and then submit the form, my parameters look the following;
> Name => email
> Email =>
> Message => some message
> The name of the Email field automatically becomes the value of the
> name field.
> Has anyone made this experience? What do I do wrong????
> To be clear: I strictly followed the example of chapter one in the
> forms book.
> I am running sf1.1.3 on an ubuntu system with apache 2.2.8 and php
> 5.2.4
> I hope there is someone to give me a clue...
> Thanks,
> Martin
> On 26 Sep., 09:58, Martin Groh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, it's submitted with POST method.
>> This ist the form class (not much magic there):
>> class ContactForm extends sfForm  {
>>   public function configure()
>>   {
>>     $this->setWidgets(array(
>>       'name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>>       'firstname' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>>       'email'     => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>>     ));
>>     $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('contact[%s]');
>>     $this->setValidators(array(
>>       'name'      => new sfValidatorString(array(), array('required'
>> => 'Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen an.')),
>>       'firstname' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' =>
>> false)),
>>       'email'     => new sfValidatorEmail(array(), array('required' =>
>> 'Bitte geben Sie Ihre Emailadresse an.', 'invalid' => 'Bitte geben Sie
>> eine gültige Mailadresse an.')),
>>     ));
>>   }
>> }
>> This is the according action:
>> public function executeIndex($request)
>> {
>>   $this->getUser()->setAttribute('startpage',false);
>>   $this->form = new ContactForm();
>>   if ($request->isMethod('post'))
>>   {
>>     $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('contact'));
>>     if ($this->form->isValid())
>>     {
>> $this->redirect('contact/thankyou?'.http_build_query($this->form->getValues()));
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> I'm running sf1.1.2 on an Ubuntu8.04 system with an Apache 2.2.8 and
>> PHP5.2.4
>> If have the sfDocrine and the sfDoctrineTree plugins installed if that
>> is of interest.
>> Can I support you with anything else?
>> The http_build_query in the action works fine, if I print it out in
>> the action.
>> Thanks for your support...
>> Martin
>> On 26 Sep., 09:17, Fabien Potencier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> project.com> wrote:
>> > Hi Martin,
>> > Can you give us some more information about your configuration. Is the
>> > form submitted with a POST method?
>> > Fabien
>> > --
>> > Fabien Potencier
>> > Sensio CEO - symfony lead developer
>> > sensiolabs.com | symfony-project.com | aide-de-camp.org
>> > Tél: +33 1 40 99 80 80
>> > Martin Groh wrote:
>> > > Hello an greetings from sunny but cold river Rhine,
>> > > I'm trying out the new forms system and really and really appreciate
>> > > all the advantages it offers. Great work there! Thank you...
>> > > But for some reason, my very simple contact form does not behave as
>> > > expected.
>> > > When I fill every field, all is well. The parameters look the
>> > > following;
>> > > sfParameterHolder Object
>> > > (
>> > >     [parameters:protected] => Array
>> > >         (
>> > >             [name] => a
>> > >             [firstname] => b
>> > >             [email] => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > >             [module] => contact
>> > >             [action] => thankyou
>> > >         )
>> > > )
>> > > but when I leave "firstname" empty, I get the following:
>> > > sfParameterHolder Object
>> > > (
>> > >     [parameters:protected] => Array
>> > >         (
>> > >             [name] => a
>> > >             [firstname] => email
>> > >             [EMAIL PROTECTED] => 1
>> > >             [module] => contact
>> > >             [action] => thankyou
>> > >         )
>> > > )
>> > > What I found out, is that the ServerVar PATH_INFO looks a bit strange
>> > > to me. After sending the form, I have (amongst others) these to
>> > > ServerVars set:
>> > > [REQUEST_URI] => /frontend_dev.php/contact/thankyou/name/a/firstname//
>> > > email/c%40c.de
>> > > [PATH_INFO] => /contact/thankyou/name/a/firstname/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > > Why is the empty field between firstname and email missing in the
>> > > PATH_INFO? Is this the intended behaviour? Has anyone else run up to
>> > > this?
>> > > Thanks a lot in advance!
>> > > Martin
>> > > PS: I posted this in the forum as well, unfortunately with no
>> > > response, so I'll try it here again.
> >

Thomas Rabaix
Internet Consultant

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