> So, the documentation already exists. The problem for people is to
 > actually take the time to read the documentation. Learning a new
 > framework takes some time and some reading.

For me, there was the problem of thinking of myself as an experienced 
programmer, able to move fast on any project, and then finding myself 
lost when first confronted with Symfony. There was some emotional 
resistance to realizing that I needed to take 2 weeks and simply study. 
And since I was using the framework on a project with a deadline, it was 
painful to realize that I needed to start slowly.

--- lawrence krubner

Fabien Potencier wrote:
> Have you read the description from "the definitive guide to symfony" for 
> example?
> http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/08-Inside-the-Model-Layer#chapter_08_sub_object_and_peer_classes
> Or the description found in "Practical symfony":
>      * JobeetJob: An object of this class represents a single record of 
> the jobeet_job table. The class is empty by default.
>      * BaseJobeetJob: The parent class of JobeetJob. Each time you run 
> propel:build-model, this class is overridden, so all customizations must 
> be done in the JobeetJob class.
>      * JobeetJobPeer: The class defines static methods that mostly 
> return collections of JobeetJob objects. The class is empty by default.
>      * BaseJobeetJobPeer: The parent class of JobeetJobPeer. Each time 
> you run propel:build-model, this class is overridden, so all 
> customizations must be done in the JobeetJobPeer class.
> So, the documentation already exists. The problem for people is to 
> actually take the time to read the documentation. Learning a new 
> framework takes some time and some reading.
> But you are right that we might need some simple, focused articles, like 
> I sometimes do in the symfony blog.
> Fabien
> --
> Fabien Potencier
> Sensio CEO - symfony lead developer
> sensiolabs.com | symfony-project.org | fabien.potencier.org
> Tél: +33 1 40 99 80 80
> Alexandru-Emil Lupu wrote:
>> yes... i agree with you ...
>> for instance :
>> BaseBook, Book BaseBook represents the base class for a row from the book
>> table. Book is the empty subclass where customizations can be added; queries
>> will return arrays of objects of type Book.  BaseBookPeer, BookPeer The Peer
>> class is a class with only static methods that perform queries and
>> manipulations against the book table. All references must be to BookPeer
>> which is an empty subclass (for customization) of BaseBookPeer.  BookMap This
>> contains a database map for the book table. Rather than having to perform
>> slow metadata queries at runtime (e.g. to know which cols are primary keys,
>> foreign keys, etc.), Propel compiles a map class that can quickly return
>> relevant information about the table structure.
>> That is just an easy example ... and usually just for this info ... new
>> commers will not search into propel ... for instance i didn't knew that came
>> from propel... but, during the learning steps, i just wanted to keep the
>> line strait and "to do what the guys before me did.".
>> Also ... a common error that might be is "tab" into yaml files and so on ...
>> on a first discussion with some other programmers that don't use symfony,
>> when i tell them about "Yaml" part, usually they answer something like "why
>> do i have to learn yaml to be able to code symfony"
>> when i opened this tread, i was ( i am still ) hoping that i might get them
>> a easy way to learn symfony without reading : YAML, Propel and symfony
>> docs... is more easy to learn / read just one set of info as a newcommer ,
>> some generic info about YAML, propel... and if you want to do something very
>> complex / not in docs.
>> Another issue that i have met as a newcommer myself was "how do i create
>> custom filters / sorts in admin"... that was a simple task, but it took some
>> time to figure out.
>> another problem that is mostly common would be implementing i18n into
>> javascript or at any level of the application ( on the throw or in some
>> objects as well ... )...
>> I might stay and think to some examples, but then, this mail would be too
>> long.
>> Alecs
>> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 7:11 PM, alvaro <harryjek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think that Propel related documentation should be consulted in the
>>> propel website where is pretty clear:
>>> http://propel.phpdb.org/docs/en/user_guide/
>>> http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/wiki/Users/Documentation
>>> Alvaro
>>> On Feb 17, 2009, at 1:07 AM, Alexandru-Emil Lupu wrote:
>>>> Hi there!
>>>> I saw that here are lot of people who want to learn symfony ... i
>>>> was thinking if we could make some detailed documentations for
>>>> symfony and it's structure ...
>>>> i mean we could make some docs that would explain better the what is
>>>> with those 4 classes generated by propel for each table...
>>>> i have met people that don't know what to do with the Peer class or
>>>> what to put in it ..
>>>> i think is better to have some official good stuff about the symfony
>>>> structure, as well with some code standards that might enter in a
>>>> "step by step" manual about symfony...
>>>> Almost like askeet or jobeet, but with more enhaced doc with the
>>>> most common errors that are received by users ...
>>>> I think symfony has reached a maturity age, and a better
>>>> documentation from the community would be requiered more an more...
>>>> i will try to skatch something like i am seeing this documentation,
>>>> and after that we will see what is next.
>>>> Alecs
> > 

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