Depends on the version of symfony you are using.

Check on the config.php files or in the ProjectConfiguration ones.  
There should be the path to the symfony libraries.


On Jun 15, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Lawrence wrote:

> This was a surprising problem. I suppose it shows how poorly I
> understand Symfony.
> We were doing development on our server at this path:
> /home/mypail/home/sfprojects/bw2/
> On the server, in the directory that is available on the web, we
> created an alias so that the above path could be reached at an url
> like:
> After 2 months of hard-work, it was time to let some people test the
> site. Of course, we didn't want beta-testers looking at a site that
> the programmers were working on, since there was always the chance of
> some transitory bug arising during work. So I created a new directory,
> and then I copied everything over:
> cp -r /home/mypail/home/sfprojects/bp2/* /home/mypail/home/sfprojects/
> betatest/
> Then I created an alias so that our beta testers could see this site
> by pointing their browsers here:
> But when I ssh'ed to the server and cd'ed to here:
> /home/mypail/home/sfprojects/betatest/
> Every command I entered went back to the other, earlier path. For
> instance, if I went here:
> /home/mypail/home/sfprojects/betatest/
> and did this:
> # symfony cc
> then I got this error:
> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ProjectConfiguration in /home/
> mypail/home/sfprojects/bp2/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php on
> line 28
> That is the path of the other site.
> I did all the obvious things:
> 1.) I deleted everything in the cache folder.
> 2.) I chased down every reference to the first site in the config
> files:
> grep bp2 config/*
> I looked in the symfony file itself, but I didn't see anything
> hardcoded there, other than the shebang line.
> Still the problem persisted.
> Finally, I tracked down, and changed, every single instance of bp2:
> grep -R bp2 *
> I deleted everything in the log folder, I deleted an error_log file
> that someone had started in the web directory. I deleted a backup of
> the database that had "bp2" in it.
> None of these files struck me as important, but once I had deleted or
> changed every single instance of 'bp2', the "symfony cc" command began
> to work again.
> But where was the reference to the other path? It wasn't in the cache
> and it wasn't in any of the config files, because I took care of those
> early on. So where was it? Where else would Symfony store a hard-coded
> path?
> >

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