
I just want to change the URL from the actions links. I'm talking
about the links automatically placed by symfony.

Jose A

On 9 sep, 23:07, Jose San Gil <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working with the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin. I customized the
> sfGuardUser module and the routing.yml file:
>  sfGuardUser_new:
>   url: /usuarios/new.:sf_format
>   class: sfDoctrineRoute
>   options:
>     model:        sfGuardUser
>     module:       sfGuardUser
>     type:         object
>     prefix_path:  usuarios
>   param: { module: sfGuardUser, action: new, sf_format: html }
>   requirements:
>     sf_method:     [GET]
> # default rules
> sf_guard_signin:
>   url:   /login
>   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signin }
> sf_guard_signout:
>   url:   /logout
>   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signout }
> sf_guard_password:
>   url:   /request_password
>   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: password }
> I'm trying to use "usuarios" like the prefix for all the actions. If I
> test my routes with app:routes task, I obtain this:
> sfGuardUser                  GET    /usuarios.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_new          GET    /usuarios/new.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_create       POST   /usuarios.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_edit           GET    /usuarios/:id/edit.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_update      PUT    /usuarios/:id.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_delete       DELETE /usuarios/:id.:sf_format
> sfGuardUser_show         GET    /usuarios/:id.:sf_format
> But when i check the url from the new/edit  (the actions required)
> button, It is "/sf_guard_user/new" ("/sf_guard_user/edit" in the other
> case). So, I need change that links to /usuarios/**action**
> Can you show me how to fix that?
> Regards,
> Jose A.
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