Hi Alecs and everyone,

Thanks for your responses.

I'm deploying this to a Linux box running Apache.  It's a reseller
account, so I don't think I can create virtual servers.

Alecs - the solution you wrote is the one I said was not possible in
my original message.  That's because in my production account, my
public_html looks like this:

   + subdomain1
   + addondomain1
   + addondomain2

As such, I can't create public_html as a symbolic link to {symfony}/

I did find a solution to this though, which was to rearrange my
reseller account so one of my addon domains became my primary domain.
That way, I can just create my production website's domain as a
symbolic link to the symfony web directory.

What I was wondering though is if anyone has experience with using
symfony where the web directory is not at the top level of the
document root, eg: a situation like this:

  + app1
  + app2 -> {symfony}/web

ie: maybe my domain: www.example.com has multiple applications, each
in subdirectories of public_html.  In this case the symlink to the
symfony app is from app2.  When I setup this structure, I found that
everything broke, because the document root in my symfony app is still
"/" which points to public_html, rather than public_html/app2.  I was
able to get parts of the app to work, but all my image links were
broken and all the documentation I found on symfony only shows you how
to setup the .htaccess file when symfony is in the document root.

I'm a little surprised that I've seen no examples like this, because
it would be very useful where a symfony app is part of a portal of
various content belonging to a site.


On Sep 27, 7:02 am, Alexandru-Emil Lupu <gang.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Judging the problem you have dscribed here, it seems that you are trying to
> deploy the project into a shared hosting system. If so, Create a symlink of
> your public_html as web.. and deploy the application in the parent directory
> of your symlink.
> example: if you have   /home/hosting/public_html/ ... create a symlink as
> /home/hosting/web ... and deploy the whole application in /home/hosting/
> folder.
> * see that is allready a tutorial on this subject on sf website or blog...
> If you have your own server, then configure your vhost to point somewhere
> else and deploy there.
> Also, after deploy.. check your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php in
> order to match the right path to your symfony.
> Alecs
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Gareth McCumskey 
> <gmccums...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Use Apache virtual servers, just like it describes in the book, and you
> > can't go wrong.
> > On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Jeremy Thomerson <
> > jeremythomer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> What server are you deploying to?  Apache, IIS, etc....
> >> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Steve Sanyal 
> >> <steve.san...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I'm soon to deploy my application to production.  However, I am having
> >>> some issues because of the directory structure.  On my staging
> >>> machine, I would create public_html as a soft link to my symfony web
> >>> root.  However, on production, my public_html is a real directory with
> >>> additional subdomains and addon domains inside the public_html
> >>> directory.  As such, it seems I can only create a soft link inside
> >>> public_html itself, but this breaks all my existing links with my
> >>> application, including the ability to use no_script_name.  I was
> >>> wondering if anyone else has dealt with situations like this.
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Steve
> > --
> > Gareth McCumskey
> >http://garethmccumskey.blogspot.com
> > twitter: @garethmcc
> --
> As programmers create bigger & better idiot proof programs, so the universe
> creates bigger & better idiots!
> I am on web:  http://www.alecslupu.ro/
> I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
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