Those pointers helped a lot. I found lots of articles now. It seemes,
'embed(ded) forms' and 'nest(ed) form(s)' are the correctly wording to
get the most results for searches. Thank you very much. I will look at
these resources now. :-)

On Sep 27, 7:44 am, Steve the Canuck <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the big problem I ran into is the symfony 1.2 book claims to
> be the primary reference but contains no documentation on forms.  It
> was a whlie before I realized I had to read the forms book too!
> Regardless, the forms book doesn't have any examples on embedding.  I
> had to experiment with it a bit, but I got the embedding to work, but
> a lot of this really involved looking through symfony source code
> since a lot of stuff really isn't documented at all. This is a big
> change from me coming from the J2EE world, and it certainly doesn't
> hold up to out of box sales pitch that hooked me into symfony.
> Nevertheless, I really have found the framework to do pretty much
> everything I want - there just isn't enough documentation yet.
> If you do a search, I think you might find a post from me a couple of
> months back where another user really helped me out a lot by giving a
> comprehensive pseudocode example of what I needed to do.  It may help
> with your learning curve.
> Steve
> On Sep 26, 4:15 pm, Dennis <> wrote:
> > I'm almost there. The Symfony 1.2 book is OK, but the website on forms
> > seems a lot better. (Almost there means ready to ask more
> > questions :-) The learning curve is VERY steep on this thing. Not as
> > bad as reading through 'Oracle Speak' documentation, but at least 40%
> > as involved.
> > If nothing else, I will help leave a trail on this subject on the
> > groups.
> > On Sep 22, 10:10 pm, Richtermeister <> wrote:
> > > Hey Dennis,
> > > you should be able to embed relatedformsin each other.
> > > Sounds like the userform should be your starting point, and in the
> > > configure function do something like:
> > > foreach($this -> object -> getAddresses() as $key => $address)
> > > {
> > >   $this -> embedForm("form_".$key, new AddressForm($address);
> > > }
> > > It gets a little tricker when you want to create a new user and new
> > > addresses at the same time, since you also need to associate the
> > > entities with each other before you embed theforms, but that's the
> > > general idea.. feel free to ask about specifics once you get there.
> > > Daniel
> > > On Sep 22, 5:02 pm, Dennis <> wrote:
> > > > No 'bytes' huh? I bought a lot of books on symfony/doctrine, guess
> > > > I'll look at those.
> > > > PS, DON'T use 'char(acter)' fields in a Doctrine/Postgresql
> > > > combination. The fields stay zero padded and when a field gets edited,
> > > > it ends up too long, even if the original version, unedited, is saved.
> > > > Doctrine/Postgresql is not ready for prime time unless you want to
> > > > work around the bugs.
> > > > On Sep 21, 4:36 pm, Dennis <> wrote:
> > > > > If I have a table of 'users', with a table of 'addresses', and a table
> > > > > of 'ramblings', how would I get either a combination of an address and
> > > > > a userformson a pabe, or a user and a rambling form on apage. Any
> > > > > automatic way, like in the jobeet tutorial for single table/objects?
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