It is described as such quite plainly in the documentation:

"In this example, clicking the 'Delete this post' link will issue a call to
the post/delete action in the background. The response returned by the
server will appear in the element of *id feedback*"

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:12 PM, dziobacz <> wrote:

> I want to delete posts from my forum without refresh page but now
> after clicked link 'Delete post' post is deleting without refreshing
> page but it is still showing - I must refresh page and then it isn't
> showing - why ?
> I have actions:
> class forumActions extends sfActions
> {
>  public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
>  {
>    $this->posts = Doctrine::getTable('Posts')->getPosts();
>  }
>  public function executeDelete(sfWebRequest $request)
>  {
>        if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest())
>        {
>                $post =
> Doctrine::getTable('Posts')->find($request->getParameter
> ('post'));
>                $post->delete();
>                $this->posts = Doctrine::getTable('Posts')->getPosts();
>        }
>  }
> And my template indexSuccess.php:
> <?php use_helper('Javascript') ?>
> <div class="ajaxclass">
> <?php foreach ($posts as $x): ?>
>        <?php echo $x->getPost();       ?>
>       <br/>
>        <?php echo link_to_remote('Delete post', array(
>        'update' => 'ajaxclass',
>        'url'    => '/forum/delete/post/'.$x->getId(),
>        )) ?>
>        <br/><br/>
> <?php endforeach; ?>
> </div>
> >

Gareth McCumskey
twitter: @garethmcc

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