hmm..what is your dev environment Operating system, and find out which is
for your production environment.

I had a similar problem, where the forms would not execute in the production
environment but would execute itself in the dev environment just fine. The
issue was that my production was linux based, hence it's case sensitive
whereas my dev is windows based, hence case insensitive.....what i needed to
change was the following line

<?php echo use_helper('*form*') ?> which is in the dev to <?php echo
use_helper('*Form*') ?>
note the capital F letter....
try this out or the equivalent of for your code, maybe it works for you

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Dennis <> wrote:

> I have a project where I copied the guts of a Doctrine based form,
> deleted all fields, added a simple file field, but kept the line with
> 'getModelName' with the old model. Didn't think it would work it all,
> but it does, sort of.
> When I use the dev environment, it works perfectly. I upload a file, I
> can bind it, get the value, save the fiile to file system, VOILA,
> build the original model in a new object, and save the URL for the
> file's new location in the database. Love :-)
> When I run it in production mode, accessing the ...URL/new link
> produces NO output, sends a 500 Server Error return code. Using die
> statements, I found that it stops at the ONE line in 'executeNew'
> function of the action class.
>         $this->form = new
> myNewFormNotBasedOnModelNameHasNoAssociatedObjectClass();
> Now is where it gets wierd, wierd, wierd. I did the following tracing:
>  Put a try/catch block around the line above . . .  no exception gets
> trapped.
>  Traced out all the Form Hierarchy:
>      MyNewForm...
>        BaseOldFormName...
>          BaseFormDoctrine...
>            sfFormDoctrine (has a constructor which calls the
> parent::__constructor)
>              BaseForm...
>                sfFormSymfony  (has a constructor which calls the
> parent::__constructor)
>                  sfForm  (has a constructor)
> So I put an echo statement in the constructor of sfFormDoctrine, the
> first constructor that should be encountered by PHP generating the
> object, and folks, it never gets executed. Somewhere in building the
> object hierarchy, php crashes, or some Symfony/Doctrine code throws an
> exception. Now I have NO idea where that code might be, I don't think
> there is any. It's just PHP creating an object and until executable
> code is found in a constructor, there's nothing the code base can
> affect.
> So, my next thing is to put a constructor in my new form and see if it
> gets executed. Probably, I am going to have to switch to using sfForm
> as my base class, 'cause it doesn't have to be based on a model
> object, OR, I am going to have to make a model object, OR learn more
> about file uploads :-)
> I'l post what I find is the error spot, but without a full blown
> debugger, I think I"m just going to get lucky if I find it.
> --
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