
I'm a newbie working through the Jobeet tutorial and have presently
gotten so far as tests.

I tried to execute:

symfony.bat test:coverage test/unit/JobeetTest.php lib/

Only to discover:

You must install and enable xdebug before using lime coverage.

So, then I tried to install php_xdebug-2.1.0beta1-5.3-vc9, but when I
did this, PHP would fail complaining that php5ts.dll couldn't be

So, I downloaded and dumped a copy of php5ts.dll in my PHP directory.

This resulted in an alert "The procedure entry point
zend_memory_peak_usage could not be located in the dynamic link
library php5ts.dll

I tried to google this error to see if anyone had a fix for it, but I
couldn't find any instance of it... and at this point I think I may be
going off on too much of a tangent from the original problem:

Does anyone know how I can get this (the test:coverage) method to


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