Yes, you are right. In this multiselect box can be all his children,
and also all folders without a parent. But there can't be a folders
which have another parent folder.

On 12 led, 19:33, smellycat37 <> wrote:
> if a folder has a parent with the reference on folder_id, he has
> children with the same reference...
> so it's a relation 1:n... so it could be possible to have in a form :
> 1- the parent (the folder who have as id the folder_id of the current
> item) in a select box
> 2- the children (all folders who have as folder_id , the id of the
> current folder) in a mutli select box
> On 12 jan, 19:22, Tom Ptacnik <> wrote:
> > I think that if you want a multiselect box for the children you will
> > need a many to many relationship... think about how to store the
> > informations from this multiselect box...
> > Or if you don't want a M:N relationship then you have to not show (in
> > this multiselect box) a folders which already has a parent ... because
> > you can't store it's folder_id if it already has a parent...
> > I hope you will understand my ideas :)
> > On 12 led, 01:16, smellycat37 <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I have this schema structure
> > > Folder:
> > >   columns:
> > >     id:  { type: integer, primary: true }
> > >     name: { type: string(50), notnull: true }
> > >     folder_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }
> > >   relations:
> > >     Parent: {onDelete: CASCADE, local: folder_id, foreign: id,
> > > foreignAlias: children}
> > > the "symfony doctrine:build-form" commande build the
> > > BaseFolderForm.class.php with two widgets :
> > > 1 - the id widget
> > > 2 - folder_id a sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice (select box) containing the
> > > parent
> > > But i need a third one:
> > > 3 - folders_list a sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice (multi select box)
> > > containing all the children
> > > is it possible?
> > > If you have any idea, thanks for your response,
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