Hi Alvaro and thx for your reply:

On 2/1/2010 8:54 PM, Alvaro Videla wrote:
I think this is in the docs, in the definitive guide somewhere, anyway...

You're right I check and it's there (Chapter 8: Database Connections) but I not understand some parts. For example the guide says this:

For each environment, you can define many connections. Each connection refers to a schema being labeled with the same name. The default connection name used is propel and it refers to the propel schema in Listing 8-3. The name option allows you to create another connection:

> php symfony --name=main configure:database "mysql://login:pas...@localhost/blog"

So if I understood right this add a entry in my databases.yml file like this:

   class:          sfPropelDatabase
     dsn:          mysql://login:pas...@localhost/blog

I'm right or I'm lossed?

Anyway I work with Doctrine the same behaviour apply to this ORM or exists another way to achieve this?

create a file

db1.schema.yml with the tables for that db

In this file goes the entries related to the DB where I can't change anything?

and then

db2.schema.yml with the other tables.

So n this other file goes the entries related to the sfDoctrineGuard plugin?

You also need to add db1 and db2 connection properties in the databases.yml
Any sample on this?


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