What do you have in the $empresas variable?
how your action code?

On 1 ún, 18:53, wueb <webmaster....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm having 2 problems and i though someone here could help me.
> 1st PROBLEM:
> I have a widget called "id_empresa" which is a sfWidgetFormChoice with
> multiple choices, like this:
> $this->widgetSchema['id_empresa'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice(
>             array(
>               'choices'  => $empresas,
>               'expanded' => false,
>               'multiple' => true
>             ),
>             array(
>               'size'     => $size
>             )
>         );
> And when i submit the form where the widget is, i can't get any value
> from the select box even with all the options selected. It returns me
> always null.
> //form
> public function updateObject($values = null)
> {
>          print_r($this->id_empresa);   //output  = null !!
> }
> ------
> In my template i have this:
>  <tr>
>       <td>Created by</td>
>       <td><?php echo $info_empresa->getCreatedBy() ?></td>
>       <td>Updated by</td>
>       <td><?php echo $info_empresa->getUpdatedBy() ?></td>
>  </tr>
> My point is get something like :
>  <tr>
>       <td>Created by</td>
>       <td><?php echo $info_empresa->getUsers()->getUsername() ?></td>
>       <td>Updated by</td>
>       <td><?php echo $info_empresa->getUsers()->getUsername()  ?></td>
>  </tr>
> But they are both foreign keys from same fields, how does the symfony
> knows what Username get?? The CreatedBy and UpdatedBy are IDs and can
> be from different users.

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