Did you cleared the cache folder?

In which file ddid you find the "sort_order" (as you said you have
found it in internal symfony files...)

On 4 ún, 09:29, michael hodges <mhodg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm new to Symfony.  While I've been able to figure things out as I go
> along, this one is very strange.  I had a column named 'sort_order'
> and used if in the generator.yml to request a sort in the list.
> Subsequently I removed it from the schema and regenerated everything,
> including the backend.  No matter what I do, I can't get executeView
> not to include ORDER BY sort_order in the sql statement that creates
> the list.  I can influence the LIMIT statement by updating the
> generator.yml file, but I cannot influence ORDER BY with the sort
> statement.
> I even used Spotlight to hunt for sort_by in the files and come up
> empty, except where it is used internally to symfony.
> Any clue as to what might be happening would be appreciated.  My next
> step would be to do a clean install of everything and begin fresh,
> which would probably be good practice in any case.
> Thanks
>  - Michael
> # at Doctrine_Connection->rethrowException(object('PDOException'),
> object('Doctrine_Connection_Mysql'), 'SELECT s.code AS s__code,
> s.description AS s__description, s.class_of_year AS s__class_of_year,
> s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM
> StudentClassStanding s ORDER BY sort_order asc LIMIT 300')
> in SF_ROOT_DIR/symfony-1.4.1/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/
> doctrine/Doctrine/Connection.php line 1025 ...
>       1022.         } catch (Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) {
>       1023.         } catch (PDOException $e) { }
>       1024.
>       1025.         $this->rethrowException($e, $this, $query);
>       1026.     }
>       1027.
>       1028.     /**
> # at sfExecutionFilter->executeView('student_class_standing', 'index',
> 'Success', array('configuration' =>
> object('student_class_standingGeneratorConfiguration'), 'helper' =>
> object('student_class_standingGeneratorHelper'), 'filters' =>
> object('StudentClassStandingFormFilter'), 'pager' =>
> object('sfDoctrinePager'), 'sort' => array('sort_order', 'asc')))
> in SF_ROOT_DIR/symfony-1.4.1/lib/filter/sfExecutionFilter.class.php
> line 116 ...
>        113.         return;
>        114.     }
>        115.
>        116.     $this->executeView($actionInstance->getModuleName(),
> $actionInstance->getActionName(), $viewName, 
> $actionInstance->getVarHolder()->getAll());
>        117.   }
>        118.
>        119.   /**
> generator:
>   class: sfDoctrineGenerator
>   param:
>     model_class:           StudentClassStanding
>     theme:                 admin
>     non_verbose_templates: true
>     with_show:             false
>     singular:              ~
>     plural:                ~
>     route_prefix:          student_class_standing
>     with_doctrine_route:   true
>     actions_base_class:    sfActions
>     config:
>       actions: ~
>       fields:  ~
>       list:
>         max_per_page:      300
>         sort:              class_of_year
>       filter:  ~
>       form:    ~
>       edit:    ~
>       new:     ~

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