Ok, just to clarify some things. I do this in my spare time (as most
of the people on this mailing list). Having this said you may realize
that I cannot (and will not) give you feedback a few minutes after you
replied to my mail. If you might take a look at other threads on this
mailing list other people had to wait for answers on their questions,
too. If you can't life with the fact that you have to wait for answers
on a mailing list for an open source software you might have to
consider buying support by someone like Sensio.

Also I don't see why you have to reply to people who want to help you
with such a disrespect.

Talking about the code you posted. After looking at it for 5 minutes
it looks to me that you have a really fat controller whith a huge
amount of code which I might consider to move into some service
classes. Also, as Alvaro already stated using ORMs to manipulate huge
amounts of data will lead to memory problems after some time.
Switching down to raw sql might be an option to solve your problem
(again, I only had a look on your code for about 5 minutes).

- Dennis

2010/4/12 Richard U <richard....@gmail.com>:
> Thanks Dennis, awesome feedback!
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Richard U <richard....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dennis thats the function if you want to have a look at it...
>>        public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) {
>>                ini_set('memory_limit','512M');
>>                set_time_limit(60*5);
>>                sfConfig::set('sf_logging_enabled', false);
>>                sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
>>                $timer = new Timer;
>>                $timer->start_time();
>>                $this->submited_bulk_stats =
>> $request->getParameterHolder()->get('bulk_stats');
>>                $this->form = new BulkAddStatsForm();
>>                $this->count_updated_records = 0;
>>                $this->count_inserted_records = 0;
>>                if ($request->isMethod('post'))
>>                {
>> $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('bulk_stats'),
>> $request->getFiles('bulk_stats'));
>>                        if ($this->form->isValid())
>>                        {
>>                                $values = $this->form->getValues();
>>                                $file = $this->form->getValue('file');
>>                                $file_name = 
>> str_replace($file->getOriginalExtension(), '',
>> $file->getOriginalName());
>>                                $save_to = 
>> sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'uploaded_'.$file_name.'_'.date("dmYHis").$file->getOriginalExtension();
>>                                $file->save($save_to);
>>                                echo "<br>File saved: $save_to";
>>                                echo "<br>File size: ".filesize($save_to);
>>                                // get accounts
>>                                $accounts = AccountsPeer::doSelect(new 
>> Criteria());
>>                                $re_indexed_accounts = 
>> $re_indexed_accounts_by_id = array();
>>                                foreach ($accounts as $tmp_account) {
>> $re_indexed_accounts[$tmp_account->getAffName().$tmp_account->getAffUser()]
>> = $tmp_account;
>> $re_indexed_accounts_by_id[$tmp_account->getId()] = $tmp_account;
>>                                }
>>                                // get parking programs
>>                                $parking_programs = 
>> ParkingProgramPeer::doSelect(new Criteria());
>>                                $re_indexed_parking_programs = array();
>>                                foreach ($parking_programs as $pp) {
>> $re_indexed_parking_programs[$pp->getId()] = $pp;
>>                                }
>>                                // Process the uploaded file
>>                                $objReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007;
>>                                $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($save_to);
>>                                // Define allowed columns
>>                                $allowed_columns =
>> array('domain','views','clicks','revenue','currency','date','park','account');
>>                                $re_indexed_data = array();
>>                                $data = 
>> $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
>>                                // Get db connections since we are using two 
>> different db's here
>>                                $connection_cdb = Propel::getConnection();
>>                                $connection_stats = 
>> Propel::getConnection('cdb_stats');
>>                                // get domains
>>                                $domains_re_indexed = array();
>>                                $query = 'SELECT * FROM domains';
>>                            $statement = $connection_cdb->prepare($query);
>>                            $statement->execute();
>>                            while ($dObj = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
>>                            {
>>                                $domains_re_indexed[$dObj->dn] =
>> array('domain_id'=>$dObj->domain_ID, 'deal_id'=>$dObj->deal_id);
>>                            }
>>                                try {
>>                                        $validated_data = array();
>>                                    $sfLogger = 
>> sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger();
>>                                        foreach($data as $row_number => $row) 
>> {
>>                                                $batch_options = array();
>>                                                // Check its not an empty row
>>                                                if (!strlen(implode("", 
>> $row))) {
>>                                                        continue;
>>                                                }
>>                                                foreach($row as $col_number 
>> => $col) {
>>                                                        echo "<br>MEMORY: 
>> ".memory_get_usage();
>>                                                        if ($row_number == 1) 
>> {
>>                                                                $col = 
>> strtolower($col);
>>                                                                $key = 
>> array_search($col, $allowed_columns);
>>                                                                if ($key !== 
>> false) {
>> $data_indexes[$col_number] = $allowed_columns[$key];
>>                                                                }
>>                                                        } else {
>>                                                                if 
>> (isset($data_indexes[$col_number]) &&
>> strlen($data_indexes[$col_number]) && strlen($col)) {
>>                                                                        if 
>> ($data_indexes[$col_number] == "date") {
>>   $col = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(str_replace("/", "-", $col)));
>>                                                                        }
>> $batch_options[$data_indexes[$col_number]] = $col;
>>                                                                }
>>                                                        }
>>                                                }
>>                                                if ($row_number > 1) {
>>                                                        // Park info now 
>> comes from the form
>>                                                        if 
>> (!isset($values['parking_program']) ||
>> !strlen($values['parking_program'])) {
>>                                                                throw new 
>> Exception('Missing or invalid parking program');
>>                                                        } else {
>> $batch_options['aff_name'] =
>> strtolower($re_indexed_parking_programs[$values['parking_program']]->getName());
>>                                                        }
>>                                                        // Account info now 
>> comes from the form
>>                                                        if 
>> (!isset($values['accounts']) || !strlen($values['accounts'])) {
>>                                                                throw new 
>> Exception('Missing or invalid parking account');
>>                                                        } else {
>> $batch_options['aff_user'] =
>> strtolower($re_indexed_accounts_by_id[$values['accounts']]->getAffUser());
>>                                                        }
>>                                                        // Specify for batch 
>> results to be returned as a serialized array
>>                                                        $batch_results = 
>> array();
>> $batch_options['return_results'] = true;
>>                                                        $batch_options['row'] 
>> = $row_number;
>> $batch_options['skip_merge'] = 1;
>>                                                        $output = array();
>> foreach($batch_options as $k=>$v) {
>>                                                                $output[] = 
>> "$k:$v";
>>                                                        }
>>                                                        echo 
>> "<br>".implode(", ", $output);
>>                                                        flush();
>>                                                        // Validate and set 
>> data
>>                                                        $c = new Criteria();
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN, $batch_options['domain']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME, $batch_options['aff_name']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER, $batch_options['aff_user']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::VIEWS, $batch_options['views']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS, $batch_options['clicks']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE, $batch_options['revenue']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE, $batch_options['date']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_CURRENCY, $batch_options['currency']);
>>                                                        // Set other data 
>> that needs to be added with the stats
>>                                                        // ~ Set click rate
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICK_RATE,
>> ($c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::VIEWS) ?
>> $c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS)/$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::VIEWS)
>> : 0));
>>                                                        // ~ Set revenue per 
>> click
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE_PER_CLICK,
>> ($c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS) ?
>> $c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE)/$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS)
>> : 0));
>>                                                        // ~ Set data from 
>> accounts table
>>                                                        if 
>> (isset($re_indexed_accounts[$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)]))
>> {
>>                                                                 $account =
>> $re_indexed_accounts[$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)];
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::BONUS, $account->getBonus());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REV_SPLIT, $account->getRevSplit());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::COMPANY, $account->getCompany());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::ACCOUNT_ID, $account->getId());
>>                                                        } else {
>> $sfLogger->err("{".basename(__file__)."} Account not found
>> for Park: {$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME)}
>> Account:{$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)} on row
>> $row_number");
>>                                                                 throw new 
>> Exception('Account not found for
>> Park:'.$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).',
>> Account:'.$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER).' on row
>> '.$row_number);
>>                                                        }
>>                                                        // ~ Set additional 
>> colums data recently added
>>                                                        if 
>> (isset($domains_re_indexed[$batch_options['domain']])) {
>>                                                                 $domain = 
>> $domains_re_indexed[$batch_options['domain']];
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DOMAIN_ID, $domain['domain_id']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DEAL_ID, $domain['deal_id']);
>>                                                        }
>>                                                        if 
>> ($batch_options['date'] == '1970-01-01' ||
>> $batch_options['date'] == '1969-12-31') {
>> $sfLogger->err("{".basename(__file__)."} Invalid date format:
>> {$batch_options['date']} on row $row_number");
>>                                                         throw new 
>> Exception('Please change date format in excel file
>> to dd/mm/yyyy');
>>                                                        }
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria = new Criteria();
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE));
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN));
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME));
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER));
>>                                                        // Set the daily stat 
>> entree information to be used for logging
>> $daily_stat_record_info =
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::DN.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN).", ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).",
>> ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER).",
>> ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE)."
>> Row: $row_number";
>>                                                        $affected_rows =
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::doDelete($checkIfRecordExistsCriteria,
>> $connection_stats);
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::doInsert($c, $connection_stats);
>>                                                        if ($affected_rows) {
>> $this->count_updated_records++;
>>                                                        } else {
>> $this->count_inserted_records++;
>>                                                        }
>> DealsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> AccountsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> DomainsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> ParkingProgramPeer::clearInstancePool();
>>                                                }
>>                                        }
>> sfBatchHelper::executeBatch('mergeDailyStatsTempToDailyStats', array());
>>                                } catch (Exception $e) {
>>                                        $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 
>> var_export($e, true), false);
>>                                }
>>                        }
>>                }
>>                // Remove the uploaded file
>>                if (isset($save_to) && strlen($save_to) && 
>> file_exists($save_to)) {
>>                        unlink($save_to);
>>                }
>>                $this->submited_bulk_stats = $submited_bulk_stats;
>>        }
>> Works fine with a couple of thousand rows... but its clear to see the
>> memory going up
>> Don't know what this will tell you that i haven't already
>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Dennis Benkert
>> <spinecras...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> So, how big are these CSV files? How many lines are you processing and
>>> can you tell us how many entries you're inserting to your DB using
>>> Propel?
>>> It would be best if you could show us the code that implements what
>>> you described in your last mail. Investing maybe 30 minutes to write
>>> an email that desribes the problem you have, what part of your code
>>> suffers from it and the data you're using will most likely keep you
>>> away from writing 5 or more emails desribing everything. Plus it will
>>> stop me asking stupid questions because I have to digg into your
>>> problem this way. :)
>>> - Dennis
>>> 2010/4/12 Richard U <richard....@gmail.com>:
>>>> I am uploading a csv file......
>>>> i require looping over each row... the data in each column has to be
>>>> processed individually and allocated to the right table...
>>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Dennis Benkert
>>>> <spinecras...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Although I am pretty sure you are frustrated there is no reason to show
>>>>> disrespect to other people.
>>>>> Christian's point is that we cannot help you without getting some
>>>>> information about your specific problem. Maybe you can provide some code
>>>>> sample that show us  your memory problems. Also it's interesting to know
>>>>> what you want to do with the code (are you inserting thousands of entries,
>>>>> looping over many entries and saving them again, etc.).
>>>>> - Dennis
>>>>> Am 12.04.2010 um 07:41 schrieb Slavka <richard....@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Christian have you just started using symfony? if not then i am sure
>>>>>> you are aware of the memory leaks i am talking about...
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> On Apr 12, 3:30 pm, Christian Schaefer <cae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Slavka,
>>>>>>> from your tiny description it is not clear whether the leak you
>>>>>>> experience is a result of Propel or symfony or your usage of them.
>>>>>>> You should know that symfony 1.2 is no longer supported but replaced
>>>>>>> by symfony 1.4. The favoured ORM nowadays is Doctrine although Propel
>>>>>>> is still supported.
>>>>>>> But most importantly: you posted a complaint rather than a question.
>>>>>>> This might work with a licenced software from some company but with an
>>>>>>> open source community a certain netiquette should apply.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> /Christian
>>>>>>> On 12 Apr., 05:51, Slavka <richard....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It seems to be pretty clear the symfony 1.2 and propel are still full
>>>>>>>> of memory leaks... I have a simple for loop selecting the same object
>>>>>>>> into the same variable... in theory this should not lead to increase
>>>>>>>> memory use for every loop however that is what is happening...
>>>>>>>> Has anyone every looked into this... if so what are options to handle
>>>>>>>> the leaks... , if there is no solution we are going to have to
>>>>>>>> consider just using mysql functions...
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
>>>>>> security at symfony-project.com
>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>>>> Groups "symfony users" group.
>>>>>> To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>>>>> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
>>>>>> To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subject.
>>>>> --
>>>>> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
>>>>> security at symfony-project.com
>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>>> Groups "symfony users" group.
>>>>> To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
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>>>>> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
>>>> --
>>>> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
>>>> security at symfony-project.com
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>> Groups "symfony users" group.
>>>> To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
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>>>> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
>>> --
>>> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
>>> security at symfony-project.com
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "symfony users" group.
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>>> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> --
> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
> security at symfony-project.com
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "symfony users" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en

If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
security at symfony-project.com

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