Ok guys... thanks for your patience with me...
Don't know if you guys had a chance to check out the code i pasted but
if you didn't i am already doing most of the things stated in the
replays... and i really think that this is the a php issue... not
symfony/propel issue..

Having said that... i have started working on a solution where the
file upload is done in a separate action... which then forwards the
user to another action that processes the data in the uploaded file x
amount of records at a time... refreshing the page and passing the
pager's current status as a request parameter, so processing a file
with 10000 1000 records at time would mean 10 page refreshes...

Anyway if anyone gets a chance let me know what you think about this...


Btw... to anyone who i offended earlier... my deepest apologies...
sometimes frustration gets the better of me...

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Tony Piper <tpi...@tpiper.com> wrote:
> Just to chip in with another possible cause:
> I see you're doing all of this in a controller (and others have talked
> about whether that's a good idea). Have you got the web debug toolbar
> enabled? If so, it could be keeping a log of all DB queries executed
> in your action. I had something similar with a batch job in 1.3/1.4.
> There 's a trac ticket which gives some workarounds:
> http://trac.symfony-project.org/ticket/3039
> Hope this helps.
> cheers,
> Tony.
> On Apr 12, 8:53 am, Richard U <richard....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dennis thats the function if you want to have a look at it...
>>         public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) {
>>                 ini_set('memory_limit','512M');
>>                 set_time_limit(60*5);
>>                 sfConfig::set('sf_logging_enabled', false);
>>                 sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
>>                 $timer = new Timer;
>>                 $timer->start_time();
>>                 $this->submited_bulk_stats =
>> $request->getParameterHolder()->get('bulk_stats');
>>                 $this->form = new BulkAddStatsForm();
>>                 $this->count_updated_records = 0;
>>                 $this->count_inserted_records = 0;
>>                 if ($request->isMethod('post'))
>>                 {
>> $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('bulk_stats'),
>> $request->getFiles('bulk_stats'));
>>                         if ($this->form->isValid())
>>                         {
>>                                 $values = $this->form->getValues();
>>                                 $file = $this->form->getValue('file');
>>                                 $file_name = 
>> str_replace($file->getOriginalExtension(), '',
>> $file->getOriginalName());
>>                                 $save_to = 
>> sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'uploaded_'.$file_name.' 
>> _'.date("dmYHis").$file->getOriginalExtension();
>>                                 $file->save($save_to);
>>                                 echo "<br>File saved: $save_to";
>>                                 echo "<br>File size: ".filesize($save_to);
>>                                 // get accounts
>>                                 $accounts = AccountsPeer::doSelect(new 
>> Criteria());
>>                                 $re_indexed_accounts = 
>> $re_indexed_accounts_by_id = array();
>>                                 foreach ($accounts as $tmp_account) {
>> $re_indexed_accounts[$tmp_account->getAffName().$tmp_account->getAffUser()]
>> = $tmp_account;
>> $re_indexed_accounts_by_id[$tmp_account->getId()] = $tmp_account;
>>                                 }
>>                                 // get parking programs
>>                                 $parking_programs = 
>> ParkingProgramPeer::doSelect(new Criteria());
>>                                 $re_indexed_parking_programs = array();
>>                                 foreach ($parking_programs as $pp) {
>> $re_indexed_parking_programs[$pp->getId()] = $pp;
>>                                 }
>>                                 // Process the uploaded file
>>                                 $objReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007;
>>                                 $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($save_to);
>>                                 // Define allowed columns
>>                                 $allowed_columns =
>> array('domain','views','clicks','revenue','currency','date','park','account 
>> ');
>>                                 $re_indexed_data = array();
>>                                 $data = 
>> $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
>>                                 // Get db connections since we are using two 
>> different db's here
>>                                 $connection_cdb = Propel::getConnection();
>>                                 $connection_stats = 
>> Propel::getConnection('cdb_stats');
>>                                 // get domains
>>                                 $domains_re_indexed = array();
>>                                 $query = 'SELECT * FROM domains';
>>                             $statement = $connection_cdb->prepare($query);
>>                             $statement->execute();
>>                             while ($dObj = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
>>                             {
>>                                 $domains_re_indexed[$dObj->dn] =
>> array('domain_id'=>$dObj->domain_ID, 'deal_id'=>$dObj->deal_id);
>>                             }
>>                                 try {
>>                                         $validated_data = array();
>>                                     $sfLogger = 
>> sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger();
>>                                         foreach($data as $row_number => 
>> $row) {
>>                                                 $batch_options = array();
>>                                                 // Check its not an empty row
>>                                                 if (!strlen(implode("", 
>> $row))) {
>>                                                         continue;
>>                                                 }
>>                                                 foreach($row as $col_number 
>> => $col) {
>>                                                         echo "<br>MEMORY: 
>> ".memory_get_usage();
>>                                                         if ($row_number == 
>> 1) {
>>                                                                 $col = 
>> strtolower($col);
>>                                                                 $key = 
>> array_search($col, $allowed_columns);
>>                                                                 if ($key !== 
>> false) {
>> $data_indexes[$col_number] = $allowed_columns[$key];
>>                                                                 }
>>                                                         } else {
>>                                                                 if 
>> (isset($data_indexes[$col_number]) &&
>> strlen($data_indexes[$col_number]) && strlen($col)) {
>>                                                                         if 
>> ($data_indexes[$col_number] == "date") {
>>    $col = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(str_replace("/", "-", $col)));
>>                                                                         }
>> $batch_options[$data_indexes[$col_number]] = $col;
>>                                                                 }
>>                                                         }
>>                                                 }
>>                                                 if ($row_number > 1) {
>>                                                         // Park info now 
>> comes from the form
>>                                                         if 
>> (!isset($values['parking_program']) ||
>> !strlen($values['parking_program'])) {
>>                                                                 throw new 
>> Exception('Missing or invalid parking program');
>>                                                         } else {
>> $batch_options['aff_name'] =
>> strtolower($re_indexed_parking_programs[$values['parking_program']]->getNam 
>> e());
>>                                                         }
>>                                                         // Account info now 
>> comes from the form
>>                                                         if 
>> (!isset($values['accounts']) || !strlen($values['accounts'])) {
>>                                                                 throw new 
>> Exception('Missing or invalid parking account');
>>                                                         } else {
>> $batch_options['aff_user'] =
>> strtolower($re_indexed_accounts_by_id[$values['accounts']]->getAffUser());
>>                                                         }
>>                                                         // Specify for batch 
>> results to be returned as a serialized array
>>                                                         $batch_results = 
>> array();
>> $batch_options['return_results'] = true;
>> $batch_options['row'] = $row_number;
>> $batch_options['skip_merge'] = 1;
>>                                                         $output = array();
>> foreach($batch_options as $k=>$v) {
>>                                                                 $output[] = 
>> "$k:$v";
>>                                                         }
>>                                                         echo 
>> "<br>".implode(", ", $output);
>>                                                         flush();
>>                                                         // Validate and set 
>> data
>>                                                         $c = new Criteria();
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN, $batch_options['domain']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME, $batch_options['aff_name']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER, $batch_options['aff_user']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::VIEWS, $batch_options['views']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS, $batch_options['clicks']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE, $batch_options['revenue']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE, $batch_options['date']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_CURRENCY, $batch_options['currency']);
>>                                                         // Set other data 
>> that needs to be added with the stats
>>                                                         // ~ Set click rate
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICK_RATE,
>> ($c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::VIEWS) ?
>> $c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS)/$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::V 
>> IEWS)
>> : 0));
>>                                                         // ~ Set revenue per 
>> click
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE_PER_CLICK,
>> ($c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::CLICKS) ?
>> $c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::REVENUE)/$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer:: 
>> : 0));
>>                                                         // ~ Set data from 
>> accounts table
>>                                                         if 
>> (isset($re_indexed_accounts[$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).$c-> 
>> getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)]))
>> {
>>                                                                  $account =
>> $re_indexed_accounts[$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).$c->getValu 
>> e(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)];
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::BONUS, $account->getBonus());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::REV_SPLIT, $account->getRevSplit());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::COMPANY, $account->getCompany());
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::ACCOUNT_ID, $account->getId());
>>                                                         } else {
>> $sfLogger->err("{".basename(__file__)."} Account not found
>> for Park: {$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME)}
>> Account:{$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER)} on row
>> $row_number");
>>                                                                  throw new 
>> Exception('Account not found for
>> Park:'.$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME).',
>> Account:'.$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER).' on row
>> '.$row_number);
>>                                                         }
>>                                                         // ~ Set additional 
>> colums data recently added
>>                                                         if 
>> (isset($domains_re_indexed[$batch_options['domain']])) {
>>                                                                  $domain = 
>> $domains_re_indexed[$batch_options['domain']];
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DOMAIN_ID, $domain['domain_id']);
>> $c->add(DailyStatsTempPeer::DEAL_ID, $domain['deal_id']);
>>                                                         }
>>                                                         if 
>> ($batch_options['date'] == '1970-01-01' ||
>> $batch_options['date'] == '1969-12-31') {
>> $sfLogger->err("{".basename(__file__)."} Invalid date format:
>> {$batch_options['date']} on row $row_number");
>>                                                          throw new 
>> Exception('Please change date format in excel file
>> to dd/mm/yyyy');
>>                                                         }
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria = new Criteria();
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT 
>> _DATE));
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN)) ;
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_ 
>> NAME));
>> $checkIfRecordExistsCriteria->add($c->getCriterion(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_ 
>> USER));
>>                                                         // Set the daily 
>> stat entree information to be used for logging
>> $daily_stat_record_info =
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::DN.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::DN).", ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_NAME) 
>> .",
>> ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::AFF_USER) 
>> .",
>> ".
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DATE.":".$c->getValue(DailyStatsTempPeer::STAT_DAT 
>> E)."
>> Row: $row_number";
>>                                                         $affected_rows =
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::doDelete($checkIfRecordExistsCriteria,
>> $connection_stats);
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::doInsert($c, $connection_stats);
>>                                                         if ($affected_rows) {
>> $this->count_updated_records++;
>>                                                         } else {
>> $this->count_inserted_records++;
>>                                                         }
>> DealsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> DailyStatsTempPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> AccountsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> DomainsPeer::clearInstancePool();
>> ParkingProgramPeer::clearInstancePool();
>>                                                 }
>>                                         }
>> sfBatchHelper::executeBatch('mergeDailyStatsTempToDailyStats', array());
>>                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
>>                                         $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 
>> var_export($e, true), false);
>>                                 }
>>                         }
>>                 }
>>                 // Remove the uploaded file
>>                 if (isset($save_to) && strlen($save_to) && 
>> file_exists($save_to)) {
>>                         unlink($save_to);
>>                 }
>>                 $this->submited_bulk_stats = $submited_bulk_stats;
>>         }
>> Works fine with a couple of thousand rows... but its clear to see the
>> memory going up
>> Don't know what this will tell you that i haven't already
>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Dennis Benkert
>> <spinecras...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> > So, how big are these CSV files? How many lines are you processing and
>> > can you tell us how many entries you're inserting to your DB using
>> > Propel?
>> > It would be best if you could show us the code that implements what
>> > you described in your last mail. Investing maybe 30 minutes to write
>> > an email that desribes the problem you have, what part of your code
>> > suffers from it and the data you're using will most likely keep you
>> ...
>> read more »
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