Hello list,

I am trying to run some tests under another environment than the test 
environment. The goal of it would be to run 'integration' tests on a stage 
server. The stage server is able to talk to other servers from partners 
(something the developer machines cannot do).

For that we basically created a new task based on the test:functional task that 
will run the integration tests. The tests are exactly like functional tests but 
the filename has a different ending (*TestIntegration.php instead of *Test.php) 
so that they won't be picked up by the functional test task.

Also we have a specific configuration for this environment which is different 
from the dev or test environment (database configuration mainly).

The only problem we have is that the tests are not running fine for some 
reason. They basically stop after a short while without reaching the end of the 
test. No errors is displayed and adding the '--trace' option doesn't provide 
more information.

Here is an example of a session on the terminal:
>./symfony test:integration frontend  userActions
# get /login
<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" 
Looks like everything went fine.

After the 'get /login' the test should continue but the execution stop for some 

So my question is: Is it possible to run tests under another environment than 
the test environment (in our case the 'integration' environment)? Or are there 
some technical reasons preventing tests to be run under another environment.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Liip AG // Agile Web Development // T +41 26 422 25 11
CH 1700 Fribourg // GPG 0xFC648C61 // www.liip.ch

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