You can do one or the other, but not both. If you didn't have the xml file, it would read the annotation from the class.

On 09/18/2010 10:01 AM, spike3111 wrote:
I did not understand the need to define the class in the mapping and
not in the entity class. I am French, I am mistaken in translating the
documentation (ok it is a hoax:))

So I added in my file xxx.dcm.xml this option:
<entity name="Application\HelloBundle\Entity\Categorie" repository-

And control doctrine: generate: repositories works well!

it can be used to other ...

On 18 sep, 18:28, Richard D Shank<>  wrote:
Try capitalizing @entity (@Entity)

On 09/18/2010 08:41 AM, spike3111 wrote:

I try to set up a simple custom repository, looking at the
documentation doctrine2. I first tried the command
doctrine:generate:repositories, which does not make mistakes, but that
does not work either. So I created a class Entity
namespace Application\HelloBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class CustomCategorieRepository extends EntityRepository
      public function getAllCategorie()
          return $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Application
\HelloBundle\Entity\Categorie u LEFT JOIN u.articles a')
And in my entity I added annotation @entity:
namespace Application\HelloBundle\Entity;
   * Application\HelloBundle\Entity\Categorie
   * @entity(repositoryClass="Application\HelloBundle\Entity
class Categorie
I get an error on the fact that my custom repository is not taken into

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