Comment #12 on issue 2014 by smichr: sympy.solvers.solvers.solve should also allow frozenset to hold equations

I'm +1/2 with comments below. I have often thought that listing all iterable types was kind of a clunky way to test for iterability. The proposed change seems sound. Sometimes type of arguments are used to trigger different types of handling in a routine but I don't think those kinds of changes are being made here.

I notice that
         stride = kwargs.pop('stride', 0.25)
         try: stride = eval(stride)
         except: pass
-        if isinstance(stride, (list, tuple)):
+        if hasattr(stride, '__len__'):
             assert len(stride) == 3
             self._stride = stride

Is similar to the change made in dot with the difference that here it has not been confirmed that stride is an iterable so it is conceivable that stride could be anything that has a length e.g. a dictionary or a string. So to maintain the same strictness a test that it be an iterable should be made.

This raises the more general issue: dictionaries support iteration, too, but replacing a list, set or tuple with a dictionary will give unintended results when it is iterated. To maintain the same strictness a double test, hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__'), otherwise we are introducing a new "feature." Does anyone else see implications for allowing the iterable to be the keys of a dictionary?

Checking tow attributes is still faster, too, than testing for a type in a list of length greater than 1.

timeit('hasattr([], "__iter__") and hasattr([],"__len__")')
timeit('type([]) in [list, tuple]')
timeit('type([]) in [tuple, list]')
timeit('type([]) in [set, tuple, list]')

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