Comment #20 on issue 2106 by mipavelka: Matrix of shape (1,1) and a number can't be added

reply to comment 14:
You can also put it differently:
If 1x1 matrices were the same as scalars, it would make sense.
I agree that you the matrix multiplication would not make sense in such a case. But it depeds on how the * operator is defined.

It would make sense to define the A*B operation (where A and B are Matrix instances) as "If dimensions of neighbouring indeces of A and B match, do the dot product. Tensor product otherwise."
I think that the * would not be defined precisely otherwise.
It also works in SymPy like that:
(1)             (1 1 1)               (1)          (1)           (1 1)
(1) * (1 1 1) = (1 1 1) but (1 1 1) * (1) = (3) or (1) * (1 1) = (1 1)
(1)             (1 1 1)               (1)          (1)           (1 1)

Then, if the SymPy * operator should have such behavior it should return the dot product in the case row vector * column vector, i.e. a scalar. But it gives a 1x1 matrix as a result of matrix multiplication. I think that it would be nice to have 1x1 matrices compatible with scalars. At least the + and * operators could be able to handle 1x1 matrix <-> scalar conversion implicitely.

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