Comment #15 on issue 2308 by Should we rename primitive()? (and Expr.primitive() should call primitive())

Also is this the lack of unity between the function and method that is the source of the ending lines of comment 9?

    h[11] >>> primitive(3/S(2)+3*x/4)
    (1, 3/2 + 3*x/4)
    h[12] >>> (2*x/3 + 4*y/9).primitive()
    (2/9, 2*y + 3*x)

Why don't we just stick with the terms_gcd idea. That pulls out all gcds...the primitive just pulls out Rational so how about rat_gcd:

    >>> eq = 3*x*y+3*x
    >>> terms_gcd(eq)
    3*x*(1 + y)
    >> rat_gcd(eq)
    3*(x + x*y)
    >> rat_gcd(S(3)/2 + 3*x)
    3*(1 + 2*x)/2
    >> rat_gcd(S(3)/2 + 15*x/4)
    3*(2 + 5*x)/4
    >> rat_gcd(3 + (3 + 6*x)*y)
    3*(1 + (1 + 2*x)*y)

I prefer the last expression to either of these:

    h[15] >>> primitive(3 + (3 + 6*x)*y)
    (3, 1 + y + 2*x*y)
    h[16] >>> (3 + (3 + 6*x)*y).primitive()
    (1, 3 + y*(3 + 6*x))

And don't expose primitive.

Finally, if we do this, rat_gcd could take the place of as_coeff_Mul. I wonder if there is a case where you wouldn't want the additional work of rat_gcd where you would be using as_coeff_Mul. e.g. in _pi_coeff if the coeff of pi were (2*x + 4*y)*pi then I would want the (2, (x + 2*y)) not the (1, 2*x + 4*y) that as_coeff_Mul gives.

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