        Labels: -NeedsReview NeedsBetterPatch

Comment #5 on issue 1816 by asmeurer: Adding partial derivatives and taking derivatives with respect to functions

Tests and docs would be nice.  So far, I get

In [2]: diff(f(x), x).diff(f(x))

I'm not sure what should be returned there. I *think* it should be 0, in which case this is technically right. This shows up in the kind of expressions that we want to be able to work with, i.e., expressions containing both f(x) and f(x).diff(x):

In [6]: (sin(f(x)) - cos(diff(f(x), x))).diff(f(x))
   ⎛d       ⎞ d
sin⎜──(f(x))⎟⋅──(1) + cos(f(x))
   ⎝dx      ⎠ dx

I think this is just because the Derivative(1, x) remains unevaluated. The fix suggested in comment 16 of issue 1654 should fix this, i.e., keep track of whether a Derivative is unevaluated because it was initiated that way or because it had to be that way. Currently, subs doesn't evaluate a Derivative, even in trivial cases (see issue 2049), which is a good thing (it's fixed issue 1888 and issue 1604 for example), but we don't necessarily want it here.

Regarding issue 1654, I get

In [5]: diff(f(x), x, x).diff(diff(f(x), x))
Out[5]: 0

Again, this is all too confusing for me to tell if that's right or not, and if not, what should really be returned.

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