Comment #7 on issue 1816 by Adding partial derivatives and taking derivatives with respect to functions

In my funcderiv branch the following now work:

In [2]: diff(f(x), x).diff(f(x))
Out[2]: 0

In [3]: (sin(f(x)) - cos(diff(f(x), x))).diff(f(x))
Out[3]: cos(f(x))

The following one should be zero and is. There are a couple of ways seeing this but all yield zero consistently.

In [4]: diff(f(x), x, x).diff(diff(f(x), x))
Out[4]: 0

I claim that the following is *now* correct even though this is different from what wsa given after 1620 was fixed.

In [5]: f(g(x)).diff(x)
Out[5]: Derivative(f(g(x)), g(x))*Derivative(g(x), x)

Post 1620 this was given as a Subs, which made sense because derivatives wrt functions were not allowed at that point. But now because derivatives wrt functions are allowed, no Subs is needed. The criteria I use to determine whether or not a Subs is returned is by looking at the _diff_wrt property. If it is True, no Subs is returned, if False, I continue to return a Subs:

In [7]: f(x**2).diff(x)
Out[7]: 2*x*Subs(Derivative(f(_xi_1), _xi_1), Tuple(_xi_1), Tuple(x**2))

I think this overall behavior is much better as the chain rule looks just like people expect.

I am still adding more tests because all of this is super subtle.

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