
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 10:13:34AM -0800, Zoho wrote:
> Hello:
> I am brand new to python/sympy  scripting and I have a project I have
> written in Maxima but would like to port it to sympy (as it is far
> more readable than the specific Maxima language) but I am not sure if
> sympy yet has the funcialanity that I require.
> What I would like to do is create an array with symbolic coefficients
> and then use the array coeffiecents to create expressions. The
> coeffiecents are solved for later. To give you and idea of what I mean
> here is a small snippet of the Maxima code:
> /* A Maxima program to solve
>                       psi'' + lambda *sin(psi) = 0 , psi'(0)=psi'(1)=0,
>                                       int(sin(psi(s),s=0..1) = 0.
> where psi = b*cos(n*pi*s) + b^3*cos^3(n*pi*s) + ...
>                               lambda=1+k*b^2+k*b^4 + ... */
> /* Setup the expressions for psi, lambda, x, y and solve for
> the parameters */
> setup(terms):=block([],
>       kill(k,a,b,d),
>       n:terms,
>       ratweight (b,1,c,1),
>       ratwtlvl: 2*(2*n+1),
>       /* Calculate expansion for psi and lambda */
>       C[0]:c,
>       Cpp[0]:-c,
>       k[0]:1,
>       for i thru n do (
>               C[i]:sum(a[i,j]*c^(2*j+1),j,1,i),
> Cpp[i]:sum(a[i,j]*(-(2*j+1)^2*c^(2*j+1)+(2*j+1)*(2*j)*c^(2*j-1)),j,
> 1,i) ),
>       psi:sum(b^(2*i+1)*C[i], i,0,n),
>       lam:sum(b^(2*i)*k[i], i,0,n),
> ....
> in the Maxima code you do not need to declare the array before. Here
> 'a'  is an array and the expressions 'psi' and 'lam' are later solved
> for the coefficients.
> So is there a way to do this using sympy?

Is this what you need?

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sympy import *

c = Symbol('c')
b = Symbol('b')

def irange(a,b):
    """inclusive range -- range(a,b+1)"""
    return range(a,b+1)

def setup_terms(n):
    a = {}
    C = [None]*(n+1)

    C[0] = c

    for i in irange(1,n):
        for j in irange(1,i):
            a[i,j] = Symbol('a_%i%i' % (i,j))

        C[i] = sum(a[i,j] * c**(2*j+1)  for j in irange(1,i))

    psi = sum(b**(2*i+1) * C[i]  for i in irange(0,n))

    return psi

if __name__ == '__main__':
    psi = setup_terms(3)
    print 'PSI:'

On my host the output is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/sympy/sympy$ ./psi.py 
       5 ⎛     3        5⎞    7 ⎛     3        5        7⎞        3  3
b*c + b *⎝a₂₁*c  + a₂₂*c ⎠ + b *⎝a₃₁*c  + a₃₂*c  + a₃₃*c ⎠ + a₁₁*b *c 

> post scriptum: Thank you for writing such great software!

Thanks for your interest to SymPy too!

    Всего хорошего, Кирилл.

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