Kirill Smelkov wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 02:28:48PM -0400, Alan Bromborsky wrote:
>> How difficult would it be to allow one to create symbols in sympy with 
>> unicode names.  I would like to be able to print out super and sub 
>> scripts without using latex formatting.
> super & subscripts are already possible:
> In [1]: F = Symbol('F^1_0')
> In [2]: F
> Out[2]: F¹₀
> In [3]: sin(F)
> Out[3]: sin(F¹₀)
> Is this what you want?
My second question is how I do this in a python program for I get
 >>>import sympy
 >>> F = sympy.Symbol('F^1_0')
 >>> F
 >>> print F

Note that my terminal will display unicode sub and super scripts  when I 
run a python program in the terminal.

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