
I'm sure this is straightforward enough yet I've not managed to work
how to do it so far from the documentation. I've asked this question
on the maxima mailing list and I believe it can do what I want.
However I do most of my work in python and would much prefer a python
based solution. Can sympy provide this? I've tried to use matching but
to no avail.

I have several functions of several variables, for instance, f(x, y,
which I know can be written in the following form:

f(x, y, z) = g1(y, z) * h1(x) + g2(y, z) * h2(x) + g3(y, z) * h3(x)

where h1(x), h2(x) and h3(x) are known. How to get sympy to produce
g1(y, z), g2(y, z) and g3(y, z)?

For instance

f(x, mu, gamma): (- gamma * (x-mu)**2 - log(gamma) + log(2*pi)) / 2

So how can I ask sympy to decompose f as:

g1(mu, gamma) * x**2 + g2(mu, gamma) * x + g3(mu, gamma)


g1(x, gamma) * mu**2 + g2(x, gamma) * mu + g3(x, gamma)


g1(x, mu) * log(gamma) + g2(x, mu) * gamma + g3(x, mu)

Thanks in advance,
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