>  > seems to work for me. Except the input [45], where you need to call
>  > the function vectorize, e.g.:
>  >
>  > In [1]: term = x + x**2
>  >
>  > In [2]: f = Lambda(x, term)
>  >
>  > In [3]: f(x)
>  > Out[3]:
>  >      2
>  > x + x
>  >
>  > In [4]: f(2)
>  > Out[4]: 6
>  But on the original term I get this:
>  In [17]: term=exp(x*x)*log(x*x)-x
>  In [18]: f = Lambda(x, term)
>  In [20]: f(2)
>  Out[20]:
>       4
>  -2 + ℯ *log(4)
>  In [21]: f(2).evalf()
>  Out[21]: 73.68910751852562519599736335
>  This seems to be corrected easily.

Ok, that's what you mean. I think the default version of f(2)
shouldn't call evalf() in the background, as imho you want to work
with exact expressions by default.

However, how about this syntax:

In [18]: f = Lambda(x, term, evalf=True)

In [20]: f(2)
Out[20]: 73.68910751852562519599736335

? (I am talking about the syntax, not speed for now)

>  Oh this seems funny:
>  In [22]: term = x + x**2
>  In [23]: f = Lambda(x, term)
>  In [25]: vectorize(f)([x,0,1,2])
>  Out[25]: [x + x**2 0 2 6]
>  But I dont know if I need the "[x]" feature?

Not sure what you mean here -- seems ok to me, doesn't it?

>  > I think we should implement such a function in sympy as well, so that
>  > you don't have to have numpy for this to work.
>  > Generally we should behave exactly like numpy, with the exception that
>  > the arrays are not numeric (floating point), but symbolic (exact).
>  >
>  > We are almost there.
>  I know of your attention to be independend from other packages. But numpy

I think my attitude is the opposite -- if there is a good package that
does the job (be it numpy, scipy, Sage or anything else), I want sympy
to be easily usable with that package. Only if the user doesn't have
the package, I think instead of forcing him to install it (by making
sympy depending on it) I think it's better if sympy can do the job
too, even if slower.

>  as very good numerical capabilities. And for my practical work I need
>  a good interface between symbolic and numeric calculations. If my term

Yes, the same here.

>  become too big, I want to test it numericaly. Or I want to plot a term with
>  In [26]: f=vectorize(f)
>  In [27]: f(x)
>  Out[27]:
>      2
>  x + x
>  In [28]: from numpy import linspace
>  In [29]: t=linspace(-2,2,100)
>  In [30]: time y=f(t)
>  CPU times: user 4.19 s, sys: 0.23 s, total: 4.42 s
>  Wall time: 4.53
>  In [31]: from pylab import plot, show
>  In [32]: plot(t, y); show()
>  Out[32]: [Line2D(_line0)]
>  And compare the time with:
>  In [1]: term = x + x**2
>  In [2]: f = Lambda(x, term)
>  In [3]: from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
>  In [4]: fstr = lambdastr(f(x), [x])
>  In [5]: import numpy as n
>  In [6]: f=eval(fstr, vars(n))
>  In [7]: from numpy import linspace
>  In [8]: t=linspace(-2,2,100)
>  In [9]: time y = f(t)
>  CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
>  Wall time: 0.00
>  I think this is a big difference inparticular when I need 10**3 evals
>  of the term.

Indeed, very good example.

>  I think the difference in time is mainly due to the "Lambda" methode
>  does each eval with the subs-methode. I think for the numeric eval the
>  subs methode is the wrong way.

I think the lambdify is the way to go. Would numpify be the solution?
Well, we definitely need numpify anyway. Then you could use it
something like:

1) Lambda(x, term)  ... sympy way without evalf
2) Lambda(x, term, evalf=True) ... faster way with evalf
3) Lambda(x, term, lambdify=True) ... much faster using lambdify
4) Lambda(x, term, numpify=True) ... even faster for large arrays using numpify

Now we can discuss which should be the default. Note also the
robustness issue --- the 1) case will work anytime, 2) only if the
result is a number, 3) only if lambdify supports it and 4) only if
numpify supports it and if numpy is installed

>  > The only remaining question is whether the "f" above should accept
>  > arrays directly, without the vectorize? Let's discuss it.
>  For the user its more comfortably. The verctorize process could be done
>  internaly.

Agree. Like numpy ufuncs.

>  > The vectorize is a good solution to me imho. BTW, if you implement
>  > your own function, like
>  >
>  > def f(x):
>  >     if x > 5:
>  >         return 1
>  >     else:
>  >         return 0
>  >
>  > you need to call vectorize too, otherwise it won't work for arrays.
>  > But I think the standard functions should be working like numpy
>  > functions -- ufuncs.
>  That is right. But here we talk about sympy expressions :-) I want to
>  eval a sympy expr fastly.

Well, numpify is imho the solution here.

>  > BTW, I think we should also implement the rest of the useful functions
>  > from numpy in sympy as well -- it'd be useful to have it in pure
>  > python and those who want speed too will just install numpy and it'd
>  > have the same interface.
>  Im no expert in this. But are the technical details for a symbolic
>  implementation completely different from a numeric implementation?

Yes, definitely the algorithms for example for matrix solvers are different.

>  That is why I think one package for symbolic and one for numeric
>  calculations. And these packages should have a very similar user
>  interface to communicate with ech other.


>  > are currently at least three projects, that can be potentially used --
>  > sympycore, swiginac and Sage.calculus. Each requiring some work.
>  > Sage.calculus currently cannot be used without Sage (200MB of sources,
>  > almost 3hours of compiling on my machine, 1GB disk space), swiginac is
>  > difficult to extend, because the core is in C++ (ginac), sympycore is
>  > currently the closest -- I hope we will manage to find common
>  > interests with Pearu and have one interface, so that sympycore can be
>  > used with sympy and vice versa. Ideally merged with sympy if we agree
>  > on one way of doing things, if not, then at least the same interface.
>  I am for the sympycore because thats not so big. And I thought that


>  sympycore would be a real algebra module. I am no mathematician I am a
>  electrical engineer. But I have heard one lecture of algebra. I think
>  from the theoretical point its no matter for what objects you eval a term.
>  I remember that an algebra (A; F) has a set A with all the elements and
>  a set F with all the operations for the elements in A.
>  A symbolic term has only variable-SYMBOLS and operation-SYMBOLS. In what
>  algebra you eval a term dont care. The trivial case is you eval the term
>  in the term-algebra. Then you get the term itself. But you can eval the
>  term in the algebra for real numbers as well as for complex numers. The
>  main thing is that the operations are defined for the selected algebra.
>  But I dont know if one could implement such abstract view :-)

Definitely, if it can be implemented so that it's maintainable, I am
all for it. But I don't want to go into another debate sympy vs
sympycore now. :)
I am open to all improvements.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Friedrich Hagedorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:07:57AM +0200, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> > BTW, I think we should also implement the rest of the useful functions
>  > from numpy in sympy as well -- it'd be useful to have it in pure
>  Then I think it would be good to adjust the names:
>  sympy.acos <--> numpy.arccos
>  From the user point of view it would be good that all functions have the
>  same name in all python math modules (numpy, sympy, mpmath, math).
>  May bo to work with alias?

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  From the user point of view it would be good that all functions have the
>  >  same name in all python math modules (numpy, sympy, mpmath, math).
>  numpy's the odd one out, but it's not going to change this late in the game.

Right. I guess the numpify() should take care of it.

Here is a preliminary code:


All that is needed is to polish it, write tests and that's it. Volunteers? :)


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