Hi fred2 (what is your name, btw)!

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:36:46PM -0700, fred2 wrote:
> Hello sympy experts,

I'm not an expert, but I'll try to answer some questions.

> Thanks for making sympy available. it looks like a great package. i figured i 
> would put together a cookbook page for wiki/Cookbook on how to define and 
> manipulate differential equations as i learned sympy.  however, after a bit 
> of testing, i am not sure whether all features for this type of application 
> are supported.

Indeed, for some problems we don't have all features ready, but SymPy is
developed with the idea that it should be easily extendable.

> the attached file is just an (incomplete) commented script that shows some of 
> the questions a user may have, with some possible answers (but definitely 
> lacking references into the documentation, as it is).  it needs some expert 
> inputs in order to be useful.
> also, if you think another package currently would be more suitable than 
> sympy, let me know and i'll try to make this more of a rosetta stone for a 
> new user to help explain what features are/aren't available or supported for 
> this application.

Thanks for doing this!

I don't usually work with pde, but at least one of your question is
answered now:

> #Q2b: ok, but the (pprint,latex) display of the differential operator does 
> not have a subscript (e.g., pprint displays as dx1, not dx_1)?
> #A2b: [expected feature? or possible bug?]

Yes, this was a bug, it is fixed now in hg version of SymPy

In [1]: t=Symbol('t'); x1=Symbol('x1'); x2=Symbol('x2')

In [2]: rho=Function('rho')(t,x1,x2) #dep vars 

In [3]: rho.diff(x1)
 ───(ρ(t, x₁, x₂))


As to your other questions, below are my thoughs. I'm sure other SymPy
developers would want to add their comments too.

> #e.g., the continuity equation for a compressible gas (unsteady + 2 spatial 
> dimensions)
> t,x,y=symbols('txy') #indep vars
> rho=Function('rho')(t,x,y) #dep vars 
> u=Function('u')(t,x,y)
> v=Function('v')(t,x,y)
> cont = rho.diff(t) + (rho*u).diff(x) + (rho*v).diff(y)
> #Q1b: ok, but (pprint,print,latex) cont explicitly displays the independent 
> vars - how do i hide them?
> #A1b: [unknown]

I think we don't have support for this yet.

Maybe we just need to extend the concept of variable and introduce
variables dependencies.

Suggestions welcome!

> #Q1c: ok, but (pprint,print,latex) cont simplifies the differential terms 
> [e.g., d(rho u) becomes rho*du + u*drho]; how do i retain d(rho u) (i.e., 
> "conservative form")?
> #A1c: [unknown. Expand 'basic' is the default. does expand() apply to diff or 
> algebraic terms?  does expand(basic=False) apply only to alg. terms?. can 
> expand() be turned off at the point of Function definition? can expand() be 
> turned off globally?]

This is not related to pprint or latex.

The point here is that diff expands product via (uv)' = u'v + uv' rule

In [1]: g = Function('g')

In [2]: diff(f(x)*g(x), x)
     d               d       
f(x)*──(g(x)) + g(x)*──(f(x))
     dx              dx      

I think diff should not automatically expand products, so could you
please create an issues for this?


> #Q1d: when diff operates on a multi-variate function, should d/dx display in 
> pprint like (the ascii form of) \partial / \partial x?
> #A1d: [unknown. maybe not possible under ~pprint?]

I agree we should use partial derivative symbols, just because

  diff(f(x,y), x)


  ──(f(x, y))

i.e. partial derivative

(also, maybe we should simplify it more, e.g.

  ∂ f(x, y)


All, what do you think?

> #Q2: can i use subscripted variables instead of x,y,z, etc.?
> #A2: yes. subscripting is defined implicitly(?) via Symbol(); you cannot use 
> symbols()[?].

Yes, implicitely indexed symbols gets subscripts and superscripts when

In [1]: Symbol('Y^+_00')
Out[1]: Y⁺₀₀

But this is only some kind of eye-candy, nothing more.

What we really need is to support array, or better tensors.


Comments, Suggestions, Patches -- all welcome!

> #Q3: subscripting is just a way to indicate vectors/tensors. i have the 
> equation written in vector form.  can i define vector variables (e.g., the 
> tuple (x1,x2), and have sympy do all the work (e.g., apply a gradient 
> differential operator)? these features would be similar to macsyma's tensor 
> package, e.g., contvec = rho_{,t} + (rho u_i)_{,i}.
> #A3: [unknown; see also: matrix; a matrix can contain symbols] 

See above about tensors.

>Q4: what do i need in a latex/tex file to make use of the output of latex()? 
>e.g., latex(cont) has (Undefined) control sequences like \operatorname{rho}.
>A4: [unknown]

Unfortunately we have to wait what others will say -- at present I'm not
using latex printing.

> thanks in advance for any comments / corrections,

Thanks again for your effort and your interest to SymPy!

Please feel free to ask more questions and discuss things on this list
and in the issues.

> dean

Ah, now I see - you are Dean :)

    Всего хорошего, Кирилл.

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