On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Ondrej Certik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Alex!
>> Hi,
>> I'm one of the main developers of knoboo, and we interested
>> in your use case of an interactive online code shell / notebook.
>> I'm not sure of your requirements for your online code shell / notebook
>> to do, but we would be very excited to work with you guys in a way to
>> make knoboo configurable enough to do what you are aiming for.
>> Knoboo is a pure Python package + lots of javascript with only 2 
>> dependancies,
>> (those being the standard python packages Twisted and SQLAlchemy).
>> Knoboo is maturing pretty quickly right now, and even though
>> there are remaing bugs and missing pieces, there are some
>> parts that we are extremely proud of that might interest you including:
>> 1) lots of hard-won javascript to make things like interactive cells
>> with grouping,
>>   (and tabcompletion, and ipython-esque '?' and '??' ) work.
>> 2) the backend computation is totally separated from the frontend and
>> can be run remotely,
>> allowing for sandboxing of the actual computation.
>> I just updated http://knoboo.com with some new screenshots and info.
>> The devel group is here: http://groups.google.com/group/knoboo-devel

> Thanks very much for your email. I just tried Knoboo with sympy and it
> indeed works nice. Some minor things could be improved (like showing
> were the next cell starts, as it was not immediatelly obvious for me
> where I should click by mouse and start typing),
Yes, this is very needed.  The default style is almost identical to Mathematica,
but we have a more explicit (i.e. pretty cells) brewing.  Thanks for
the feedback!

but overall it works
> great including the tab-completion and ?. The ?? failed with
> File "<input>", line 1
>    introspect(f.series?, format="print")
>                       ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Woops. '??' hasn't made it into the trunk yet, sorry ... very soon.

> My idea is to run it on the google app engine. That way it will scale
> really well and for free (as opposed to serving it from my own one
> server, that would soon become overwhelmed).  Also I want to run it
> without having to log in (just like you don't have to login to start
> python, you just type "python", so I want it to be the same -- you
> just type the web address and that's it) -- but that should be easy to
> implement.
Most definitely.  One mode of Knoboo will definitely require no login,
this is not completely implemented, but all it basically requires
is setting some defaults in the authentication code, so 'no login mode' will
seamlessly work with the existing code, we just need to write those defaults.

Do you think there is some obstacle (twisted? sqlalchemy?)
> that would prevent it or make it too difficult to port knoboo to
> google app engine?
Certain limitations of the of google app engine
(no outgoing RPC connections, you must use BigTable, no starting sys
process, etc)
would make it so knoboo won't work immediately on google app engine.
There are other solutions out there that suit running an online code notebook
much better, i.e. a cheap VPS.  Nothing is totally free in all senses
of the word ;)

> I think I'd like to have both -- a simple online shell without a
> login, that would just work and be fast. And a full featured notebook
> interfaces with logins, much like the current knoboo.  But the latter
> is imho not that needed, as one can use sympy through Sage at
> sagenb.org already now. My idea is to have something like sagenb.org,
> but faster (more responsive)

We are *very* serious about web app performance, it is one of our main goals.

Take these two features already in knoboo:

* We never send html to create any of the dynamic features in knoboo
(e.g. cells), we instead send
the most minimal raw data in JSON format, then dynamically create the
html structure on the client
with javascript DOM functions.

* We have already starting adding javascript minimizing functionality, see
this type of optimizing makes a big difference in load times and responsiveness.

Thanks for you input and feedback,

 and I think google app engine should
> allow me that.
> What do you think?
> Ondrej
> >

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