Ondrej Certik wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:21 AM, Alan Bromborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have now tested my Geometric Algebra module using py.test and wish to
>> contribute it to sympy as an external module.  I have committed all the
>> .py files to mercurial.  Should I also commit the documentation (README,
>> .tex, and .pdf files) to mercurial.  Then what should I send you (a
>> tarred and gziped .hg directory or what)?
> Send us just the patches, you can do any of these:
> 1) create a repo at freehg.sympy.org and push your changes in
> 2) follow the tutorial at
> http://docs.sympy.org/sympy-patches-tutorial.html (for example the
> quick start section)
> 3) append your patches to a new issue
> 4) send your patches to sympy-patches.
> If you have any problems, just ask, we'll help you.
> Thanks for your work!
> Ondrej
> >
I created repository at 
|http://freehg.sympy.org/u/brombo/geometricalgebra/.  What next?

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