> Could you please elaborate? What you want is a noncommutative
> *nonassociative* algebra. As far as I know, everything in quantum
> mechanics is at least associative.

Sure, everything in my case is associative.  But in practice, it is
easier to do the multiplications in a certain order.  I end up with
things like:


And the thing that I know how to do is anything*|state>.  Thus, I want
to evaluate this like this:

A*(B*(C*|state>) = A*(B*|newstate>) = A*|another_newstate> = |final_state>

In my case A, B C are creation/annihilation operators and |state> is a
Fock state.  The main issue is that is easy to do anything*|state> but
much more difficult to do A*B or B*C directly.

> Maybe you want some way to evaluate the operators starting from the
> right hand side? Then I suggest to simply construct the whole
> expression, store it into a variable "e" and access "e.args".

One option is to simply let Sympy do its thing and I would end up with
something like:

A*B*C*|state> = Mul(A,B,C,|state>)

Then I could make an additional function that walks through the args
of Mul from R -> L and does the right thing.

Maybe in this case explicit is better than implicit :)

But, I would like to at least know if this can be done.



PS - I have begun to work more on the second quantization code and it
is shaping up rather nicely.

> Or am I missing something?
> Ondrej
> >

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