Thanks Friedrich

The test file you sent guided me through how to format the data going
to lambdify.  My formulas are now easily modified  and shockingly
fast,  pseudo code follows.

from sympy import *
vars('U dt')
In [16]: s1(dof)
Out[16]: [h1, theta1, v_h1, v_theta1]

In [17]: del_0(dof)
Out[17]: [delta_h, delta_theta, delta_v_h, delta_v_theta]

f0= -delta_v_h/2 - delta_v_theta/20 + dt*(-2*h1/25 - delta_h/25 -
3*U*v_theta1/50 - 3*U*delta_v_theta/100 - U*v_h1/20 - U*delta_v_h/40 -
theta1*U**2/20 - delta_theta*U**2/40)

for i in range(len(args)):args[i]=var(str(args[i]))


def F0(dof,d_dof,U,dt):
    args = tuple(dof) + tuple(d_dof) + (U, dt)
    return f0(*args)

On Dec 4, 3:28 pm, Friedrich Hagedorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 04:08:15AM -0800, Scott wrote:
> > How can I translate a formula output by sympy into one that is scipy
> > friendly?
> Here is my attempt with the attached file:
>   In [1]: run
>   In [2]: F0??
>   [...]
>   def F0(dof,d_dof,U,dt):
>       args = tuple(dof) + tuple(d_dof) + (U, dt)
>       return f0(*args)
>   In [3]: F0([1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], 9, 10)
>   Out[3]: -281.64999999999998
>   In [4]: %timeit F0([1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], 9, 10)
>   100000 loops, best of 3: 11.2 µs per loop
> I hope that helps.
> By,
>   Friedrich
> < 1KViewDownload
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