Ondrej Certik wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Alan Bromborsky <abro...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Alan Bromborsky <abro...@verizon.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Alan Bromborsky <abro...@verizon.net> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have gotten the latest sympy distribution with git, have commited my
>>>>>> changes to galgebra.  Now how do I send the revised distribution back to
>>>>>> you?
>>>>> $ git ci -a
>>>>> $ git format-patch -1
>>>>> and send the generated patch. More info at:
>>>>> http://docs.sympy.org/sympy-patches-tutorial.html#id7
>>>>> Ondrej
>>>> Patch is attached.
>>> Thanks! When I test it, I get:
>>> $ bin/test sympy/galgebra/
>>> ============================= test process starts 
>>> ==============================
>>> executable:   /usr/bin/python  (2.5.2-final-0)
>>> sympy/galgebra/tests/test_GA.py[?]   Failed to import                     
>>> [FAIL]
>>> ________________________________________________________________________________
>>> ___________ /home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/galgebra/tests/test_GA.py 
>>> ____________
>>>   File "/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/galgebra/tests/test_GA.py", line
>>> 12, in <module>
>>>     from sympy.galgebra.GAsympy import set_main, MV, make_symbols,
>>> types, ZERO, ONE, HALF
>>>   File "/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/galgebra/GAsympy.py", line 25, in 
>>> <module>
>>>     import sympy.galgebra.latex_ex
>>> ImportError: No module named latex_ex
>>> ============ tests finished: 0 passed, 1 exceptions in 0.20 seconds 
>>> ============
>>> Do you think you could please fix that? I guess just removing that
>>> import would work.
>>> Ondrej
>> When I run test I get -
>> bro...@ga:~/SYMPY-git/sympy$ bin/test sympy/galgebra/
>> ============================= test process starts
>> ==============================
>> executable:   /usr/bin/python  (2.5.2-final-0)
>> sympy/galgebra/tests/test_GA.py[6]
>> ......                                   [OK]
>> =================== tests finished: 6 passed in 1.32 seconds
>> ===================
>> bro...@ga:~/SYMPY-git/sympy$
>> Note that when I updated I deleted latex_out.py and replaced it with
>> latex_ex.py.  Does this information need to be put in some configuration
>> file or is it all automatic now.  I remember that that when I first
>> submitted
>> GAsympy.py and latex_out.py the file names had to be added to some
>> python setup file?
> Yes, you need to do:
> $ git add sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py
> Then the file will get added when you do "git ci" or "git ci -a".
> Ondrej
> >
Trying again. Note that when I try 'git ci -a' I get  //

bro...@ga:~/SYMPY-git/sympy$ git ci -a
git: 'ci' is not a git-command. See 'git --help'.

I used git-citool

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>From d36263ef90e5a12a9cce483f8f2bba4c0c5dc36f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Bromborsky <bro...@ga.(none)>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:13:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Added latex_ex.py to repository list

 sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py | 1102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 1102 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py

diff --git a/sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py b/sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d443e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sympy/galgebra/latex_ex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+import sys,os,types,StringIO
+from sympy.core import S, C, Basic, Symbol
+from sympy.printing.printer import Printer
+from sympy.simplify import fraction
+import re as regrep
+import sympy.galgebra.GAsympy
+import numpy
+def debug(tstr):
+    return
+def len_cmp(str1,str2):
+    return(len(str2)-len(str1))
+def process_equals(xstr):
+    eq1 = xstr.find('=')
+    eq2 = xstr.rfind('=')
+    if eq1 == eq2:
+        return(xstr)
+    xstr = xstr[:eq1]+xstr[eq2:]
+    return(xstr)
+class LaTeXPrinter(Printer):
+    """
+    A printer class which converts an expression into its LaTeX equivalent. This
+    class extends the LatexPrinter class currently in sympy in the following ways:
+        1. Variable and function names can now encode multiple greek symbols,
+           number, greek, and roman super and sub scipts and accents plus bold
+           math in an alphanumeric ascii string consisting of [A-Za-z0-9_]
+           symbols
+            1 - Accents and bold math are implemented in reverse notation. For
+                example if you wished the LaTeX output to be '\bm{\hat{\sigma}}'
+                you would give the variable the name sigmahatbm.
+            2 - Subscripts are denoted by a single underscore and superscripts
+                by a double underscore so that A_{\rho\beta}^{25} would be
+                input as A_rhobeta__25.
+        2. Some standard function names have been improved such as asin is now
+           denoted by Sin^{-1} and log by ln.
+        3. Several LaTeX formats for multivectors are available:
+            1 - Print multivector on one line
+            2 - Print each grade of multivector on one line
+            3 - Print each base of multivector on one line
+        4. A LaTeX output for numpy arrays containing sympy expressions is
+           implemented for upto a three dimensional array.
+        5. LaTeX formatting for raw LaTeX, eqnarray, and array is available
+           in simple output strings.
+            1 - The delimeter for rew LaTeX imput is '%'.  The raw input starts
+                on the line where '%' is first encountered and continues untill
+                the next line where '%' is encountered. It does not matter where
+                '%' is in the line.
+            2 - The delimeter for eqnarray input is '@'. The rules are the same
+                as for raw input except that '=' in the first line is replaced
+                be '&=&' and '\begin{eqnarray*}' is added before the first line
+                and '\end{eqnarray*}' to after the last line in the group of
+                lines.
+            3 - The delimeter for array input is '#'. The rules are the same
+                as for raw input except that '\begin{equation*}' is added before
+                the first line and '\end{equation*}' to after the last line in
+                the group of lines.
+        6. Additonal formats for partial derivatives:
+            0 - Same as sympy latex module
+            1 - Use subscript notation with partial symbol to indicate which
+                variable the differentiation is with respect to.  Symbol is of
+                form \partial_{differentiation variable}
+    """
+    #printmethod ='_latex_ex_'
+    sym_fmt = 0
+    fct_fmt = 0
+    pdiff_fmt = 0
+    mv_fmt = 0
+    str_fmt = 1
+    LaTeX_flg = False
+    mode = ('_','^')
+    fmt_dict = {'sym':0,'fct':0,'pdiff':0,'mv':0,'str':1}
+    fct_dict = {'sin':'sin','cos':'cos','tan':'tan','cot':'cot',\
+                'asin':'Sin^{-1}','acos':'Cos^{-1}',\
+                'atan':'Tan^{-1}','acot':'Cot^{-1}',\
+                'sinh':'sinh','cosh':'cosh','tanh':'tanh','coth':'coth',\
+                'asinh':'Sinh^{-1}','acosh':'Cosh^{-1}',
+                'atanh':'Tanh^{-1}','acoth':'Coth^{-1}',\
+                'sqrt':'sqrt','exp':'exp','log':'ln'}
+    fct_dict_keys = fct_dict.keys()
+    greek_keys = sorted(('alpha','beta','gamma','delta','varepsilon','epsilon','zeta',\
+                         'vartheta','theta','iota','kappa','lambda','mu','nu','xi',\
+                         'varpi','pi','rho','varrho','varsigma','sigma','tau','upsilon',\
+                         'varphi','phi','chi','psi','omega','Gamma','Delta','Theta',\
+                         'Lambda','Xi','Pi','Sigma','Upsilon','Phi','Psi','Omega','partial',\
+                         'nabla','eta'),len_cmp)
+    accent_keys = sorted(('hat','check','dot','breve','acute','ddot','grave','tilde',\
+                          'mathring','bar','vec','bm','prm','abs'),len_cmp)
+    greek_cnt = 0
+    greek_dict = {}
+    accent_cnt = 0
+    accent_dict = {}
+    preamble = '\\documentclass[10pt,letter,fleqn]{report}\n'+\
+               '\\pagestyle{empty}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage[dvips,landscape,top=1cm,nohead,nofoot]{geometry}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage{amsmath}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage{bm}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage{amsfonts}\n'+\
+               '\\usepackage{amssymb}\n'+\
+               '\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\bfrac}[2]{\\displaystyle\\frac{#1}{#2}}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\half}{\\frac{1}{2}}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\abs}[1]{\\left |{#1}\\right | }\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\pdiff}[2]{\\bfrac{\\partial {#1}}{\\partial {#2}}}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\lbrc}{\\left \\{}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\rbrc}{\\right \\}}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\W}{\\wedge}\n'+\
+               "\\newcommand{\\prm}[1]{{#1}'}\n"+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\ddt}[1]{\\bfrac{d{#1}}{dt}}\n'+\
+               '\\newcommand{\\R}{\\dagger}\n'+\
+               '\\begin{document}\n'
+    postscript = '\\end{document}\n'
+    @staticmethod
+    def latex_bases():
+        """
+        Generate LaTeX strings for multivector bases
+        """
+        if type(sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.basislabel_lst) == types.IntType:
+            sys.stderr.write('MV.setup() must be executed before LaTeXPrinter.format()!\n')
+            sys.exit(1)
+        LaTeXPrinter.latexbasis_lst = [['']]
+        for grades in sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.basislabel_lst[1:]:
+            grades_lst = []
+            for grade in grades:
+                grade_lst = []
+                for base in grade:
+                    latex_base = LaTeXPrinter.extended_symbol(base)
+                    grade_lst.append(latex_base)
+                grades_lst.append(grade_lst)
+            LaTeXPrinter.latexbasis_lst.append(grades_lst)
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_base(igrade,iblade,bld_flg):
+        if igrade == 0:
+            return('')
+        base_lst = LaTeXPrinter.latexbasis_lst[igrade][iblade]
+        if len(base_lst) == 1:
+            return(base_lst[0])
+        base_str = ''
+        for base in base_lst[:-1]:
+            if bld_flg:
+                base_str += base+'\\W '
+            else:
+                base_str += base
+        base_str += base_lst[-1]
+        return(base_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def format(sym=0,fct=0,pdiff=0,mv=0):
+        LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg = True
+        LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['sym']   = sym
+        LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['fct']   = fct
+        LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['pdiff'] = pdiff
+        LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv']    = mv
+        LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['str'] = 1
+        if sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.is_setup:
+            LaTeXPrinter.latex_bases() 
+        LaTeXPrinter.redirect()
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def str_basic(in_str):
+        if not LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg:
+            return(str(in_str))
+        Basic.__str__ = LaTeXPrinter.Basic__str__
+        out_str = str(in_str)
+        Basic.__str__ = LaTeX
+        return(out_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def redirect():
+        LaTeXPrinter.Basic__str__ = Basic.__str__
+        LaTeXPrinter.MV__str__    = sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.__str__
+        LaTeXPrinter.stdout = sys.stdout
+        sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+        Basic.__str__ = LaTeX
+        sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.__str__ = LaTeX
+        return        
+    @staticmethod
+    def restore():
+        LaTeXPrinter_stdout = sys.stdout
+        LaTeXPrinter_Basic__str__ = Basic.__str__
+        LaTeXPrinter_MV__str__ = sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.__str__
+        sys.stdout = LaTeXPrinter.stdout
+        Basic.__str__ = LaTeXPrinter.Basic__str__
+        sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.__str__ = LaTeXPrinter.MV__str__
+        LaTeXPrinter.stdout = LaTeXPrinter_stdout
+        LaTeXPrinter.Basic__str__ = LaTeXPrinter_Basic__str__
+        LaTeXPrinter.MV__str__ = LaTeXPrinter_MV__str__
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def format_str(fmt='0 0 0 0'):
+        fmt_lst = fmt.split()
+        if '=' not in fmt:
+            LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['sym']   = int(fmt_lst[0])
+            LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['fct']   = int(fmt_lst[1])
+            LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['pdiff'] = int(fmt_lst[2])
+            LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv']    = int(fmt_lst[3])
+        else:
+            for fmt in fmt_lst:
+                x = fmt.split('=')
+                LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict[x[0]] = int(x[1])
+        if LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg == False:
+            if sympy.galgebra.GAsympy.MV.is_setup:
+                LaTeXPrinter.latex_bases()
+            LaTeXPrinter.redirect()
+            LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg = True
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def append_body(xstr):
+        if LaTeXPrinter.body_flg:
+            LaTeXPrinter.body += xstr
+            return('')
+        else:
+            return(xstr[:-1])
+    @staticmethod
+    def tokenize_greek(name_str):
+        for sym in LaTeXPrinter.greek_keys:
+            isym = name_str.find(sym)
+            if isym > -1:
+                keystr = '@'+str(LaTeXPrinter.greek_cnt)
+                LaTeXPrinter.greek_cnt += 1
+                LaTeXPrinter.greek_dict[keystr] = sym
+                name_str = name_str.replace(sym,keystr)
+        return(name_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def tokenize_accents(name_str):
+        for sym in LaTeXPrinter.accent_keys:
+            if name_str.find(sym) > -1:
+                keystr = '#'+str(LaTeXPrinter.accent_cnt)+'#'
+                LaTeXPrinter.accent_cnt += 1
+                LaTeXPrinter.accent_dict[keystr] = '\\'+sym
+                name_str = name_str.replace(sym,keystr)
+        return(name_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def replace_greek_tokens(name_str):
+        if name_str.find('@') == -1:
+            return(name_str)
+        for token in LaTeXPrinter.greek_dict.keys():
+            name_str = name_str.replace(token,'{\\'+LaTeXPrinter.greek_dict[token]+'}')
+        LaTeXPrinter.greek_cnt  = 0
+        LaTeXPrinter.greek_dict = {}
+        return(name_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def replace_accent_tokens(name_str):
+        tmp_lst = name_str.split('#')
+        name_str = tmp_lst[0]
+        if len(tmp_lst) == 1:
+            return(name_str)
+        for x in tmp_lst[1:]:
+            if x != '':
+                name_str = '{}'+LaTeXPrinter.accent_dict['#'+x+'#']+'{'+name_str+'}'
+        LaTeXPrinter.accent_cnt  = 0
+        LaTeXPrinter.accent_dict = {}
+        return(name_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def extended_symbol(name_str):
+        name_str = LaTeXPrinter.tokenize_greek(name_str)
+        tmp_lst = name_str.split('_')
+        subsup_str = ''
+        sym_str = tmp_lst[0]
+        sym_str = LaTeXPrinter.tokenize_accents(sym_str)
+        sym_str = LaTeXPrinter.replace_accent_tokens(sym_str)
+        if len(tmp_lst) > 1:
+            imode = 0
+            for x in tmp_lst[1:]:
+                if x == '':
+                    imode = (imode+1)%2
+                else:
+                    subsup_str += LaTeXPrinter.mode[imode]+'{'+x+'}'
+                    #subsup_str += LaTeXPrinter.mode[imode]+x+' '
+                    imode = (imode+1)%2
+        name_str = sym_str+subsup_str
+        name_str = LaTeXPrinter.replace_greek_tokens(name_str)
+        return(name_str)
+    def coefficient(self,coef,first_flg):
+        if isinstance(coef, C.AssocOp) and isinstance(-coef, C.AssocOp):
+                coef_str =  r"\lp %s\rp " % self._print(coef)
+        else:
+            coef_str = self._print(coef)
+        if first_flg:
+            first_flg = False
+            if coef_str[0] == '+':
+                coef_str = coef_str[1:]
+        else:
+            if coef_str[0] != '-':
+                if coef_str[0] != '+':
+                    coef_str = '+'+coef_str
+        if coef_str in ('1','+1','-1'):
+            if coef_str == '1':
+                coef_str = ''
+            else:
+                coef_str = coef_str[0]
+        return(coef_str,first_flg)
+    def __init__(self,inline=True):
+        Printer.__init__(self)
+        self._inline = inline
+    def doprint(self, expr):
+        tex = Printer.doprint(self, expr)
+        xstr = ''
+        if self._inline:
+            if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['fct'] == 1:
+                xstr = r"%s" % tex
+            else:
+                xstr = r"$%s$" % tex
+        else:
+            xstr = r"\begin{equation*}%s\end{equation*}" % tex
+        return(xstr)
+    def _needs_brackets(self, expr):
+        return not ((expr.is_Integer and expr.is_nonnegative) or expr.is_Atom)
+    def _do_exponent(self, expr, exp):
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (expr, exp)
+        else:
+            return expr
+    def _print_Add(self, expr):
+        tex = str(self._print(expr.args[0]))
+        for term in expr.args[1:]:
+            coeff = term.as_coeff_terms()[0]
+            if coeff.is_negative:
+                tex += r" %s" % self._print(term)
+            else:
+                tex += r" + %s" % self._print(term)
+        return tex
+    def _print_Mul(self, expr):
+        coeff, terms = expr.as_coeff_terms()
+        if not coeff.is_negative:
+            tex = ""
+        else:
+            coeff = -coeff
+            tex = "- "
+        numer, denom = fraction(C.Mul(*terms))
+        def convert(terms):
+            product = []
+            if not terms.is_Mul:
+                return str(self._print(terms))
+            else:
+                for term in terms.args:
+                    pretty = self._print(term)
+                    if term.is_Add:
+                        product.append(r"\left(%s\right)" % pretty)
+                    else:
+                        product.append(str(pretty))
+                return r" ".join(product)
+        if denom is S.One:
+            if coeff is not S.One:
+                tex += str(self._print(coeff)) + " "
+            if numer.is_Add:
+                tex += r"\left(%s\right)" % convert(numer)
+            else:
+                tex += r"%s" % convert(numer)
+        else:
+            if numer is S.One:
+                if coeff.is_Integer:
+                    numer *= coeff.p
+                elif coeff.is_Rational:
+                    if coeff.p != 1:
+                        numer *= coeff.p
+                    denom *= coeff.q
+                elif coeff is not S.One:
+                    tex += str(self._print(coeff)) + " "
+            else:
+                if coeff.is_Rational and coeff.p == 1:
+                    denom *= coeff.q
+                elif coeff is not S.One:
+                    tex += str(self._print(coeff)) + " "
+            tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % \
+                (convert(numer), convert(denom))
+        return tex
+    def _print_Pow(self, expr):
+        if expr.exp.is_Rational and expr.exp.q == 2:
+            base, exp = self._print(expr.base), abs(expr.exp.p)
+            if exp == 1:
+                tex = r"\sqrt{%s}" % base
+            else:
+                tex = r"\sqrt[%s]{%s}" % (exp, base)
+            if expr.exp.is_negative:
+                return r"\frac{1}{%s}" % tex
+            else:
+                return tex
+        else:
+            if expr.base.is_Function:
+                return self._print(expr.base, self._print(expr.exp))
+            else:
+                if expr.exp == S.NegativeOne:
+                    #solves issue 1030
+                    #As Mul always simplify 1/x to x**-1
+                    #The objective is achieved with this hack
+                    #first we get the latex for -1 * expr,
+                    #which is a Mul expression
+                    tex = self._print(S.NegativeOne * expr).strip()
+                    #the result comes with a minus and a space, so we remove
+                    if tex[:1] == "-":
+                        return tex[1:].strip()
+                if self._needs_brackets(expr.base):
+                    tex = r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}"
+                else:
+                    tex = r"{%s}^{%s}"
+                return tex % (self._print(expr.base),
+                              self._print(expr.exp))
+    def _print_Derivative(self, expr):
+        dim = len(expr.symbols)
+        if dim == 1:
+            if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['pdiff'] == 1:
+                tex = r'\partial_{%s}' % self._print(expr.symbols[0])
+            else:
+                tex = r"\frac{\partial}{\partial %s}" % self._print(expr.symbols[0])
+        else:
+            multiplicity, i, tex = [], 1, ""
+            current = expr.symbols[0]
+            for symbol in expr.symbols[1:]:
+                if symbol == current:
+                    i = i + 1
+                else:
+                    multiplicity.append((current, i))
+                    current, i = symbol, 1
+            else:
+                multiplicity.append((current, i))
+            if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['pdiff'] == 1:
+                for x, i in multiplicity:
+                    if i == 1:
+                        tex += r"\partial_{%s}" % self._print(x)
+                    else:
+                        tex += r"\partial^{%s}_{%s}" % (i, self._print(x))
+            else:
+                for x, i in multiplicity:
+                    if i == 1:
+                        tex += r"\partial %s" % self._print(x)
+                    else:
+                        tex += r"\partial^{%s} %s" % (i, self._print(x))
+                tex = r"\frac{\partial^{%s}}{%s} " % (dim, tex)
+        if isinstance(expr.expr, C.AssocOp):
+            return r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr))
+        else:
+            return r"%s %s" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr))
+    def _print_Integral(self, expr):
+        tex, symbols = "", []
+        for symbol, limits in reversed(expr.limits):
+            tex += r"\int"
+            if limits is not None:
+                if not self._inline:
+                    tex += r"\limits"
+                tex += "_{%s}^{%s}" % (self._print(limits[0]),
+                                       self._print(limits[1]))
+            symbols.insert(0, "d%s" % self._print(symbol))
+        return r"%s %s\,%s" % (tex,
+            str(self._print(expr.function)), " ".join(symbols))
+    def _print_Limit(self, expr):
+        tex = r"\lim_{%s \to %s}" % (self._print(expr.var),
+                                     self._print(expr.varlim))
+        if isinstance(expr.expr, C.AssocOp):
+            return r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr))
+        else:
+            return r"%s %s" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr))
+    def _print_Function(self, expr, exp=None):
+        func = expr.func.__name__
+        if hasattr(self, '_print_' + func):
+            return getattr(self, '_print_' + func)(expr, exp)
+        else:
+            args = [ str(self._print(arg)) for arg in expr.args ]
+            if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['fct'] == 1:
+                if func in LaTeXPrinter.fct_dict_keys:
+                    if exp is not None:
+                        name = r"\operatorname{%s}^{%s}" % (LaTeXPrinter.fct_dict[func], exp)
+                    else:
+                        name = r"\operatorname{%s}" % LaTeXPrinter.fct_dict[func]
+                    name += r"\left(%s\right)" % ",".join(args)
+                    return name
+                else:
+                    func = self.print_Symbol_name(func)
+                    if exp is not None:
+                        name = r"{%s}^{%s}" % (func, exp)
+                    else:
+                        name = r"{%s}" % func
+                    return name
+            else:
+                if exp is not None:
+                    name = r"\operatorname{%s}^{%s}" % (func, exp)
+                else:
+                    name = r"\operatorname{%s}" % func
+                return name + r"\left(%s\right)" % ",".join(args)
+    def _print_floor(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"\lfloor{%s}\rfloor" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_ceiling(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"\lceil{%s}\rceil" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_abs(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"\lvert{%s}\rvert" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_re(self, expr, exp=None):
+        if self._needs_brackets(expr.args[0]):
+            tex = r"\Re\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        else:
+            tex = r"\Re{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
+    def _print_im(self, expr, exp=None):
+        if self._needs_brackets(expr.args[0]):
+            tex = r"\Im\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        else:
+            tex = r"\Im{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
+    def _print_conjugate(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"\overline{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_exp(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"{e}^{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
+    def _print_gamma(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"\operatorname{\Gamma}^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
+        else:
+            return r"\operatorname{\Gamma}%s" % tex
+    def _print_Factorial(self, expr, exp=None):
+        x = expr.args[0]
+        if self._needs_brackets(x):
+            tex = r"\left(%s\right)!" % self._print(x)
+        else:
+            tex = self._print(x) + "!"
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_Binomial(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"{{%s}\choose{%s}}" % (self._print(expr[0]),
+                                      self._print(expr[1]))
+        if exp is not None:
+            return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
+        else:
+            return tex
+    def _print_RisingFactorial(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"{\left(%s\right)}^{\left(%s\right)}" % \
+            (self._print(expr[0]), self._print(expr[1]))
+        return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
+    def _print_FallingFactorial(self, expr, exp=None):
+        tex = r"{\left(%s\right)}_{\left(%s\right)}" % \
+            (self._print(expr[0]), self._print(expr[1]))
+        return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
+    def _print_Rational(self, expr):
+        if expr.q != 1:
+            sign = ""
+            p = expr.p
+            if expr.p < 0:
+                sign = "- "
+                p = -p
+            return r"%s\frac{%d}{%d}" % (sign, p, expr.q)
+        else:
+            return self._print(expr.p)
+    def _print_Infinity(self, expr):
+        return r"\infty"
+    def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr):
+        return r"-\infty"
+    def _print_ComplexInfinity(self, expr):
+        return r"\tilde{\infty}"
+    def _print_ImaginaryUnit(self, expr):
+        return r"\mathbf{\imath}"
+    def _print_NaN(self, expr):
+        return r"\bot"
+    def _print_Pi(self, expr):
+        return r"\pi"
+    def _print_Exp1(self, expr):
+        return r"e"
+    def _print_EulerGamma(self, expr):
+        return r"\gamma"
+    def _print_Order(self, expr):
+        return r"\operatorname{\mathcal{O}}\left(%s\right)" % \
+            self._print(expr.args[0])
+    @staticmethod
+    def print_Symbol_name(name_str):
+        if len(name_str) == 1:
+            return (name_str)
+        if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['sym'] == 1:
+            return LaTeXPrinter.extended_symbol(name_str)
+        else:
+            return(name_str)
+        """
+        #convert trailing digits to subscript
+            m = regrep.match('(^[a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)$',name_str)
+            if m is not None:
+                name, sub=m.groups()
+                tex=self._print_Symbol(Symbol(name))
+                tex="%s_{%s}" %(tex, sub)
+                return tex
+            # insert braces to expresions containing '_' or '^'
+            m = regrep.match('(^[a-zA-Z0-9]+)([_\^]{1})([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$',name_str)
+            if m is not None:
+                name, sep, rest=m.groups()
+                tex=self._print_Symbol(Symbol(name))
+                tex="%s%s{%s}" %(tex, sep, rest)
+                return tex
+            greek = set([ 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta',
+                          'eta', 'theta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'nu',
+                          'xi', 'omicron', 'pi', 'rho', 'sigma', 'tau', 'upsilon',
+                          'phi', 'chi', 'psi', 'omega' ])
+            other = set( ['aleph', 'beth', 'daleth', 'gimel', 'ell', 'eth',
+                          'hbar', 'hslash', 'mho' ])
+            if name_str.lower() in greek:
+                return "\\" + name_str
+            elif name_str in other:
+                return "\\" + name_str
+            else:
+                return name_str
+        """
+    def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
+        return LaTeXPrinter.print_Symbol_name(expr.name)
+    def _print_str(self,expr):
+        if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['str'] > 0:
+            expr = expr.replace('^','{\\wedge}')
+            expr = expr.replace('|','{\\cdot}')
+            expr = expr.replace('__','^')
+        return(expr)
+    def _print_ndarray(self,expr):
+        shape = numpy.shape(expr)
+        ndim = len(shape)
+        expr_str = ''
+        if ndim == 1:
+            expr_str += '#\\left [ \\begin{array}{'+shape[0]*'c'+'}  \n'
+            for col in expr:
+                expr_str += self._print(col)+' & '
+            expr_str = expr_str[:-2]+'\n\\end{array}\\right ]#\n'
+            return(expr_str)
+        if ndim == 2:
+            expr_str += '#\\left [ \\begin{array}{'+shape[1]*'c'+'}  \n'
+            for row in expr[:-1]:
+                for xij in row[:-1]:
+                    expr_str += self._print(xij) + ' & '
+                expr_str += self._print(row[-1]) + ' \\\\ \n'
+            for xij in expr[-1][:-1]:
+                expr_str += self._print(xij) + ' & '
+            expr_str += self._print(expr[-1][-1]) + '\n \\end{array} \\right ] #\n'
+            return(expr_str)
+        if ndim == 3:
+            expr_str = '#\\left \\{ \\begin{array}{'+shape[0]*'c'+'} \n'
+            for x in expr[:-1]:
+                xstr = self._print(x).replace('#','')
+                expr_str += xstr + ' , & '
+            xstr = self._print(expr[-1]).replace('#','')
+            expr_str += xstr+'\n\\end{array} \\right \\}#\n'
+        return(expr_str)
+    def _print_MV(self,expr):
+        igrade = 0
+        MV_str = ''
+        line_lst = []
+        first_flg = True
+        for grade in expr.mv:
+            if type(grade) != types.IntType:
+                if type(grade) != types.IntType:
+                    ibase = 0
+                    for base in grade:
+                        if base != 0:
+                            tmp = Symbol('XYZW')
+                            base_str = str(base*tmp)
+                            if base_str[0] != '-':
+                                base_str = '+'+base_str 
+                            base_str = base_str.replace('- ','-')   
+                            if base_str[1:5] == 'XYZW':
+                                base_str = base_str.replace('XYZW','')
+                            else:
+                                base_str = base_str.replace('XYZW','1')
+                            MV_str += base_str+\
+                                      LaTeXPrinter.build_base(igrade,ibase,expr.bladeflg)
+                            if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv'] == 3:
+                                line_lst.append(MV_str)
+                                MV_str = ''
+                        ibase += 1
+                if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv'] == 2:
+                    if MV_str != '':
+                        line_lst.append(MV_str)
+                        MV_str = ''
+            igrade += 1
+        n_lines = len(line_lst)
+        if MV_str == '':
+            if n_lines > 0 and line_lst[0][0] == '+':
+                line_lst[0] = line_lst[0][1:]
+        else:
+            if MV_str[0] == '+':
+                MV_str = MV_str[1:]
+        if n_lines == 1:
+            MV_str = line_lst[0]
+            n_lines = 0
+        if LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv'] >= 2:
+            MV_str = '@'+line_lst[0]+' \\\\ \n'
+            for line in line_lst[1:-1]:
+                MV_str += '& '+line+' \\\\ \n'
+            MV_str += '& '+line_lst[-1]+'@\n'
+        if MV_str == '':
+            MV_str = '0'
+        if expr.name != '':
+            MV_str = LaTeXPrinter.extended_symbol(expr.name)+' = '+MV_str
+        return(MV_str)
+    def _print_Relational(self, expr):
+        charmap = {
+            "==" : "=",
+            "<"  : "<",
+            "<=" : r"\leq",
+            "!=" : r"\neq",
+        }
+        return "%s %s %s" % (self._print(expr.lhs),
+            charmap[expr.rel_op], self._print(expr.rhs))
+    def _print_Matrix(self, expr):
+        lines = []
+        for line in range(expr.lines): # horrible, should be 'rows'
+            lines.append(" & ".join([ self._print(i) for i in expr[line,:] ]))
+        if self._inline:
+            tex = r"\left(\begin{smallmatrix}%s\end{smallmatrix}\right)"
+        else:
+            tex = r"\begin{pmatrix}%s\end{pmatrix}"
+        return tex % r"\\".join(lines)
+    def _print_tuple(self, expr):
+        return r"\begin{pmatrix}%s\end{pmatrix}" % \
+            r", & ".join([ self._print(i) for i in expr ])
+    def _print_list(self, expr):
+        return r"\begin{bmatrix}%s\end{bmatrix}" % \
+            r", & ".join([ self._print(i) for i in expr ])
+    def _print_dict(self, expr):
+        items = []
+        keys = expr.keys()
+        keys.sort(Basic.compare_pretty)
+        for key in keys:
+            val = expr[key]
+            items.append("%s : %s" % (self._print(key), self._print(val)))
+        return r"\begin{Bmatrix}%s\end{Bmatrix}" % r", & ".join(items)
+    def _print_DiracDelta(self, expr):
+        if len(expr.args) == 1 or expr.args[1] == 0:
+            tex = r"\delta\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
+        else:
+            tex = r"\delta^{\left( %s \right)}\left( %s \right)" % (\
+            self._print(expr.args[1]), self._print(expr.args[0]))
+        return tex
+def LaTeX(expr, inline=True):
+    """
+    Convert the given expression to LaTeX representation.
+    You can specify how the generated code will be delimited.
+    If the 'inline' keyword is set then inline LaTeX $ $ will
+    be used. Otherwise the resulting code will be enclosed in
+    'equation*' environment (remember to import 'amsmath').
+    >>> from sympy import *
+    >>> from sympy.abc import *
+    >>> latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2))
+    '$8 \\sqrt{2} \\sqrt[7]{\\tau}$'
+    >>> latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), inline=False)
+    '\\begin{equation*}8 \\sqrt{2} \\sqrt[7]{\\mu}\\end{equation*}'
+    Besides all Basic based expressions, you can recursively
+    convert Pyhon containers (lists, tuples and dicts) and
+    also SymPy matrices:
+    >>> latex([2/x, y])
+    '$\\begin{bmatrix}\\frac{2}{x}, & y\\end{bmatrix}$'
+    The extended latex printer will also append the output to a
+    string (LaTeXPrinter.body) that will be processed by xdvi()
+    for immediate display one xdvi() is called.
+    """
+    xstr = LaTeXPrinter(inline).doprint(expr)
+    #xstr = LaTeXPrinter.append_body(xstr+'\n')
+    return (xstr)
+def print_LaTeX(expr):
+    """Prints LaTeX representation of the given expression."""
+    print LaTeX(expr)
+def Format(fmt='1 1 1 1'):
+    LaTeXPrinter.format_str(fmt)
+    return
+def xdvi(filename='tmplatex.tex',debug=False):
+    """
+    Post processes LaTeX output (see comments below), adds preamble and
+    postscript, generates tex file, inputs file to latex, displays resulting
+    dvi file with xdvi.
+    """    
+    if not LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg:
+        return
+    body = sys.stdout.getvalue()
+    LaTeXPrinter.restore()
+    body_lst = body.split('\n')
+    body = ''
+    array_flg = False
+    eqnarray_flg = False
+    raw_flg = False
+    nline = len(body_lst)
+    iline = 0
+    i = iter(body_lst)
+    line = i.next()
+    while True:
+        if '$' in line: #Inline math expression(s)
+            line += '\\newline \n'
+            body += line
+            try:
+                line = i.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+        elif '%' in line: #Raw LaTeX input
+            """
+            If % in line assume line is beginning of raw LaTeX input and stop
+            post processing
+            """
+            line = line.replace('%','')
+            raw_flg = True
+            while raw_flg:
+                if '%' in line:
+                    """
+                    If % in line assume line is end of LaTeX input and begin
+                    post processing
+                    """
+                    raw_flg = False
+                    line = line.replace('%','')+'\n'
+                else:
+                    line += '\n'
+                line = process_equals(line)
+                body += line
+                try:
+                    line = i.next()
+                except StopIteration:
+                    break
+        elif '#' in line: #Array input
+            """
+            If # in line assume line is beginning of array input and contains
+            \begin{array} statement
+            """
+            line = line.replace('#','')
+            array_flg = True
+            line = '\\begin{equation*}\n'+line
+            while array_flg:
+                if '#' in line:
+                    """
+                    If # in line assume line is end of array input and contains
+                    \end{array} statment
+                    """
+                    array_flg = False
+                    line = line.replace('#','')
+                    line += '\\end{equation*}\n'
+                else:
+                    line += '\n'
+                line = process_equals(line)
+                body += line
+                try:
+                    line = i.next()
+                except StopIteration:
+                    break
+        elif '@' in line: #Align input
+            """
+            If @ in line assume line is beginning of align input
+            """
+            line = line.replace('@','')
+            line = line.replace('=','& = ')
+            eqnarray_flg = True
+            line = '\\begin{align*}\n'+line
+            line = process_equals(line)
+            body += line
+            try:
+                line = i.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+            while eqnarray_flg:
+                if '@' in line:
+                    """
+                    If @ in line assume line is end of align input
+                    """
+                    eqnarray_flg = False
+                    line = line.replace('@','')
+                    line += '\\end{align*}\n'
+                else:
+                    line+'\n'
+                line = process_equals(line)
+                body += line
+                try:
+                    line = i.next()
+                except StopIteration:
+                    break
+        else:
+            if '=' in line: #Single line equation
+                line = '\\begin{equation*}\n'+line+'\n\\end{equation*}\n'
+            else: #Text with no math expression(s)
+                line += '\\newline \n'
+            line = process_equals(line)
+            body += line
+            try:
+                line = i.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+    body = LaTeXPrinter.preamble+body+LaTeXPrinter.postscript
+    latex_file = open(filename,'w')
+    latex_file.write(body)
+    latex_file.close()
+    if debug: #Display latex excution output for debugging purposes
+        os.system('latex '+filename[:-4])        
+    else: #Works for Linux don't know about Windows
+        os.system('latex '+filename[:-4]+' > /dev/null')
+    os.system('xdvi '+filename[:-4]+' &')
+    LaTeXPrinter.LaTeX_flg = False
+    return
+def MV_format(mv_fmt):
+    """
+    0 or 1 - Print multivector on one line
+    2      - Print each multivector grade on one line
+    3      - Print each multivector base on one line
+    """
+    LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['mv'] = mv_fmt
+    return
+def fct_format(fct_fmt):
+    """
+    0 - Default sympy latex format
+    1 - Do not print arguments of arbitrary functions.
+        Use symbol font for arbitrary functions.
+        Use enhanced symbol nameing for arbitrary functions.
+        Use new names for standard functions (acos -> Cos^{-1})
+    """
+    LaTeXPrinter.fct = fct_fmt
+    return
+def pdiff_format(pdiff_fmt):
+    """
+    0 - Use default sympy partial derivative format
+    1 - Contracted derivative format (no fraction symbols)
+    """
+    LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['pdiff'] = pdiff_fmt
+    return
+def sym_format(sym_fmt):
+    """
+    0 - Use default sympy format
+    1 - Ues extended symbol format including multiple greek letters in
+        basic symbol (symbol precceeding sub and superscripts)and in
+        sub and superscripts of basic symbol and accents in basic symbol
+    """
+    LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['sym'] = sym_fmt
+    return
+def str_format(str_fmt):
+    """
+    0 - Use default sympy format
+    1 - Ues extended symbol format including multiple greek letters in
+        basic symbol (symbol precceeding sub and superscripts)and in
+        sub and superscripts of basic symbol and accents in basic symbol
+    """
+    LaTeXPrinter.fmt_dict['str'] = str_fmt
+    return
+def ext_str(xstr):
+    return(LaTeXPrinter.extended_symbol(xstr))

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