So, I was getting ready to make my first patch (I think I have two to submit
- one on tweaking the output of sympy.latex to allow different matrix
choices like bmatrix and one on the mainvar idea), when I noticed that I am
not running the latest version.  This raises two issues for me.

I am running whatever version came with Ubnuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackolope
(apprently it is 0.6.3).  So, my first question was going to be how do I run
the latest git version, but it seems like that is just an issue of editting
my PYTHONPATH.  Since it seems like the git checkout created a full sympy
dir, I just need to make sure that dir is listed in my PYTHONPATH before the
one that contains 0.6.3 and I will be working with the latest version.  How
do you guys handle this issue?  I guess I could also just install the
version from git, but then I can't go back to 0.6.3 if I break something.

So my second issue, which is the main one, is that there seems to be some
work on _settings for printers.  It seems like my approach for handling the
changing of the latex matrix type and allowing inline to be None should be
handled by profiles and _settings right?  Perhaps even mainvar should be a


On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Ryan Krauss <> wrote:

> I will work on that shortly.
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Ondrej Certik <> wrote:
>> Hi Ryan!
>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Ryan Krauss <> wrote:
>> > So, I have something that I think is working.  No idea if people who
>> > understand more of sympy's design than I do will think this is a good
>> idea
>> > or not.
>> looks good. Could you please send it as a patch to sympy? We'll include
>> it.
>> Thanks,
>> Ondrej
>> >>

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